Biden: Trump Impeachment Trial ‘Has To Happen’ | Talking Points Memo

GOP state organizations are now declaring that Trump’s terrorist assault on the Capitol was a false flag operation by Democrats. They can’t even accept their own actions. Pretending it didn’t happen won’t make it go away, you dotards.

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“impeachment trail”
I think you might have meant “impeachment trial”

“Here comes trumpy-lardass-tail,
Hopping down impeachment trail,
Hippety-hoppety, impeachment’s on its way”


Just yesterday i argued that anything you google for will already be mentioned on the internet. Today i Googled TMFWSNBN and got nothing. First time that’s ever happened to me. (What does TMFWSNBN stand for?)

The motherfucker who should not be named.


It’s an acronym that was created after the Motherfucker left office as many folks never want to see his name again:

“The Mother Fucker Who Shall Not Be Named”

Others have proposed the simpler “Who?”, from which I then proposed “The Owl”, form which there is even an icon - :owl:


Me too. I’m guessing his drug consumption will be on the increase as well. Mar a Lago could become the coke (not diet) epicenter of Florida. Trump loves the speedy stuff. It gives him a false sense of security.

Shall. Legalese can be important too. Plus there is the Rowling thingy.

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Mia culpa. Shall.


:rofl: Thanks!

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You’re welcome. hahahahahaha

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Rowling used “must”

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@bonvivant @becca656

It is interesting how primed we can sometimes be to read negativity into a short statement. Then again, short statements can be somewhat ambiguous.

To be clear, I believe that Biden is properly managing expectations in speaking of the unlikelihood of a conviction and basically paving the way to put it behind us.

As for the Republicans, well, they are making a grave mistake by letting Trump stay in the game. He lost them the House, Senate and presidency in four short years. His insurrection-rejection tour was shutdown on opening night and 1 in 5 Republicans have grown cold to him. Letting him stay in the game only ensures that the wackadoddle wing of the party nominates and elects unelectable candidates in what might otherwise be competitive races. I say, please proceed.

ETA @sniffit

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I wonder how things will play out without twitter. The won’t be the constant drumbeat of trump in the news, which means that other things will be able to get done. On the other hand, he will probably go full crazy on those occasions where he is in public. Which will gratify some of his base but push sane-ish people even further away.

McConnell is going to have to do a lot of arm twisting and threatening and cajoling and maybe begging because 45 is a painful thorn in his side and he wants nothing more to be rid of him. Oh, he also wants the party to be rid of him as well.

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They just confirmed Biden’s SOS Blinken. I will refrain from saying anything about Winken and Nod.


Yeah. I was trying to get the legal/legislative meaning of shall into the equation. Shall equates more to must than should does.

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Well, thanks for that.

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The world now comes back to DC…after a long hibernation


The world is still wary and probably will be from now on.

Isn’t the Constitutionality of this up to GOPSCOTUS, not GOPSENATE?

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