Biden To Skip Second Major Party Meeting

Except that’s not the case at all. From POLITICO: Biden’s campaign may have exacerbated questions about his vigor by restricting press access to him and holding few question-and-answer town halls with constituents where he would have unscripted moments.
Also this:


Actually, Biden does remember Obamacare. Hes a key reason we were able to get as much as we did amd we wouldnt have gotten it without him. That’s just a fact.


In a country of over 300 million people, with basically universal name-recognition, Biden doesn’t need to shake babies and kiss hands to become better-known. Warren did need that introduction to people, and has been leveraging it quite successfully.

Politico is doing what politico does, which is to take any inane thing they can find and try to magnify it into Scandal of the Year.

It’s a nothingberder, give me a call if he actually starts dropping in the polls.


Said it before and I’ll say it again.

If you aren’t 100% serious and 100% committed AND physically able to do the vigors of a long campaign, do us all a solid and step out and start backing other candidates.

There’s no room for error or ego in 2020.


Yep, I know he doesn’t need to do those things, but the entitled/self-annointed attitude could distract voters. Surely he’s the obvious frontrunner and likely nominee, but I don’t think his current support is enough to win the general. He might have a low ceiling problem.

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I’ve praised Joe when he does well (like his speech last week in IA on Trump’s racism) and knock him when he doesn’t. I even defend Joe on a number of the things that people call ‘gaffes’. My point is the ‘gaffes’ are getting more coverage than his views on the issues of the day because he really doesn’t have much of a presence in the news cycles on the latter. The current score of the game doesn’t always tell you how a team is playing. If you forget the polls and look at the eye test, there’s a lot wrong with how Joe is campaigning. Ultimately, I want the nominee to win this thing so I want all the candidates to be on their A games. Not seeing it from Joe.


Only to the pundit class. It’s basic time management for his campaign. It makes sense for a no-name candidate to spend time beating the pavement, knocking on doors, talking to individuals.

But the ROI decreases significantly the more name-recognition a candidate has. If you have an hour of time, and you spend 30 seconds with each individual, you can only reach 120 of them in that hour.

Or you could reach thousands in a speech, that all still got to see you live.


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I’m not talking about punditry. I’m talking about who is showing up on tv or in press avails and talking about the absolutely huge issues that are out there today. You know what Joe could be doing right now? Talking about Trump’s tariff policy, his trade war, his shameful capitulation to Kim, gun control, the weakening economy. These are all strong points for Joe, but there isn’t a message of the day or public comment out there in the news cycles. I’d like to see that change if he’s to be the nominee.


He’s not really leading anymore and where he is it’s by name recognition alone.

Biden has already had two prior disastrous campaigns for president before. I’m not sure why anyone ever expected this one to be any different.


Show me where this is hurting him at all in the polls, and I’m right there with you.

Otherwise, clearly his strategy is working for him and there’s no need to adjust tactics.

Being the Anti-Trump may be just the right thing, without overloading the system with unnecessary communications which can be turned against you down the line.


hey. why not start a conspiracy theory? flesh it out a bit and give Fox an insider call. geez.


OK, if Biden can’t go the distance, who takes his place as the centrist/moderate/Obamalike policy candidate that many Democrats and independents are looking for. Candidates who could fill that space will be gone soon after the Sept debate. Call me a worrier!


He isn’t growing in the polls, leaving a big opening for others. That’s the sign. There’s nothing he’s doing right now to build on his strong initial advantage (which has eroded a bit btw) to lock down this nomination.


Do you know the difference between a prediction and a conspiracy theory?


there are 20 or so announced candidates still out there. do the frigging math. you are way ahead of yourself on this one.


The prevent defense is in full-on fear of gaffe mode here. I believe there is a significant qualitative difference between the kind of gaffes he used to make and the kind he is making now, and I think his handlers are scared that more and more people are going to start drawing this conclusion.


He doesn’t need to. He’s positioned well to take the lions-share of delegates early on, be postured for the General election the entire time, and just let the “electability” argument play out in the Primaries to come out on top.

Whether that will work for him, we’ll see.

But it’s a totally legitimate strategy. To grow in the polls now would require him to tack left to gain more of the rabid liberal base, which isn’t great for his message of appealing to moderates and unaffiliated folk in the general.

  1. there isn’t a strong 2nd. (September might change that)

  2. the general election opponent is Donald Trump.


Joe Biden has been a very very good Republican for a long time…including rail roading Anita Hill to confirm his fellow Catholic and anti women’s rights Clarence Thomas to the SCOTUS.

Joe Biden should atend the Republican meeting and declare he’s going to run against Trump…in the Republican Primary. I even bet Obama will campaign for him…Barak is a Republican sell out.

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trolls are assholes. IMHO.

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