Biden To Meet With Sinema, Manchin Over Their Threats To The Reconciliation Package | Talking Points Memo

I could easily be wrong as well… lemme look…
You are correct!
I am wrong . Good catch!.. I will adjust my post


Does the Newsom win put some wind back into the Reconciliation Plan?


It’s important, and disturbing.
That said, TPM generally seems to have had limited bandwidth in recent months.

These conversations between POTUS and 2 Senators that will break Biden’s agenda(as we understand it) if they persist, will cover 2 infrastructure bills, at least one voting rights bill, and filibuster reform.

If you have to pick between US Gymnastics team abuse news and news about the US economy and the future of democracy, which would you pick?


Maybe we can create some shooting practice targets that rotate when hit and that can be used to generate electricity. That way we can bring the ammosexuals to the conservation side. WE can start a shooting competition where the guy that generates the most kilowatts wins. He can even use the generated electricity to charge his electric truck!

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You are doggone right.


LBJ had what, 68 Democratic Senators?
Hard to maneuver like that with a 50-50 split.


I yield to better practitioners :face_with_monocle:

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So he meets with them, the Reconciliation Bill gets cut to $3.2T and passes. Manchin and Sinema can claim they held firm and got cuts. Joe can thank them for working with him then take a victory lap. Everyone wins. Let’s do it. Nancy scheduling a vote on the bipartisan bill was brilliant. By Sept. 27 it’s all done.


I’d leave Honorary out. Two senators who don’t have a lot to show for their time in office can only add “refuse to eliminate filibuster” as their only accomplishment.


A chance at reelection. Mebbe. Right now the dems in AZ are boiling mad at her antics. She behaves the way she does to court the Goobers here in AZ who are certifiable. But local demographics are changing. AZ is becoming way less red, except for rural counties and Mormon strongholds. Parts of Maricopa County are off the charts Gooberland. Other parts are becoming democrat areas. So it remains to be seen how that County plays out. Pima County where I reside I think will go democrat. To a precinct.

To add…
I think both Sinema and Manchin need the heads handed to them as I suggested earlier. This needs to be hard ball.


Also works!

The problem remains math. That either one of them accepting what is surely an open offer from MoscowMitch to come join the other side costs us the Senate and thus the hope to do anything, even if just renaming a post office, until 2023.

So they do have quite a bit of leverage.


Hope he knocks their heads together like two coconuts.

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I’m going to copy and paste your post and email it to Manchin. /s
I sent him an email using a Roanoke address I looked up on the internet last week expressing a desire to see a voting rights bill passed.

Power companies are burning nearly 20% more coal this year and next compared to 2020. And these estimates may turn out to be conservative with any cold snap and a further spike in NG prices.

And OPEC sees oil demand exceeding pre -pandemic levels in 2022. Over 100 million barrels a day.

Natural gas is closer to $6.00 than $5.00 today.
Global demand for oil, coal and NG is spiking. And prices for all three are way up. I seriously doubt the charging stations and the giveaway to billionaires by subsidizing up $12,500 per EV so manufacturers can keep their prices high is going to change much climate wise. Only people who pay a lot of taxes get the credit anyway. Over half the population doesn’t pay federal taxes. I could explain why I seen this coming last year, but I’ll keep it brief and forget about rubbing it in.


Great idea! Just anecdotally, the streets I’ve had to put up with in both Kansas City and St. Louis are horrible! Like bombed-out roads in some places, that no one cares enough to do anything about.

All it will take is one full-on bridge collapse with a high number of casualties to make Manchin and Sinema look like fools. They can’t afford that.

Infrastructure, infrastructure, infrastructure!


They both know that if they flip, McConnell won’t need their vote for anything. The only leverage they have is as a Democrat. They know that too as I am sure you do also.


Only in that one act. Should either flip parties then they’d lose all of that “leverage” and become just another warm body filling a seat. The threat is all they have right now and as I said Sinema may very well not get reelected in 2024. Her term ends in January of 2025. In my opinion she would be more than welcome to flip parties after she is out of office.


Also a fair point. But Manchin could flip, get a cushy chairmanship, and not pay a price at all in WV. So he can play kingmaker.

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They better name their price and take ‘yes’ for an answer.


Just responding to your comment about who pays Federal taxes. Also the bottom half tends to get nailed worse (proportionally) by state and local taxes.

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