President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris will hold a candle lighting ceremony and a moment of silence at the White House on Monday at sundown as the U.S. approaches a grim milestone of half a million deaths in the COVID-19 pandemic.
Biden had a good month as President. Once Trump declares his candidacy for the 2024 campaign at CPAC all the coverage will shift back to Trump’s antics. 4 years of MAGA rallies coming our way.
I read an estimate of 200,000. A lot of souls. But it’s hard to say. I once did a napkin estimate of my own based on death rates in South Korea, and at their per-capita rate we’d have lost about 14,000. Purely hypothetical if that were remotely possible here, of course. But I think most agree we could have done better. Johns Hopkins has us fifth from the top in per-capita deaths.
I may have missed it in the article, but I don’t remember seeing that there would be a moment when everyone was required to thank Biden and talk about what a good job he had been doing. It’s also weird, but I don’t think I’ve heard any recommendations for drinking bleach or ingesting a light in order to cure the virus.
In fact, I don’t think I’ve seen a story about a round robin praise fest of Biden by his staff or the both nominated and confirmed members of the Cabinet. What’s up with that?
The MSM has been too much time on ratings lately, well forever. They’ve been having “the election has been rigged” guests on waaaaaay too much instead of focusing on the relative calm and efficiency of the Biden administration.
Neera Tanden for OMB and “the teachers want safe schools before they go in person” kerfuffle pale in comparison to anything going on in the last 4 years. It’s only been a month and my blood pressure must be way down. Only Moscow Mitch’s speech after the impeachment trial has made me yell at the television.
Biden’s empathy towards others, serious and focused efforts, and his lack of need to be in the daily news cycle with foolish dramatic gestures is a stark contrast to the former occupant.
The staggering figure shows that country has by far the highest reported COVID-19 death toll in the world. Brazil comes next at 246,504, according to Johns Hopkins.
And the trumpers cheer, USA, USA, We’re number one!
We should build a COVID-19 memorial and museum in DC. More American heroes have died due to COVID-19 in just one year than in combat during World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, 9-11 or the many misguided 9-11 Jihadi terrorist Wars.
Americans should never forget the ignorance, incompetence and corruption that cause the needless deaths of countless. Our country was holding super-spreader events inside the White House and densely packed conservative rallies across the country to help spread the disease.