President Joe Biden will deliver his first official state of the union Tuesday night, with a House chamber full and masks optional.
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President Joe Biden will deliver his first official state of the union Tuesday night, with a House chamber full and masks optional.
Nice words on Ukraine. “Putin was wrong. We were ready.” Nice. Might I also suggest Biden add: “We will prevail. Ukraine will be free.”
After the gop rebuttal speech, the democrats should respond with a replay of Zelenskyy’s EU Parliament address.
with a House chamber full and masks optional.
…and this morning four critters tested positive. What could go wrong?
“Where are the trucks!? Where are the trucks!?” an organizer — the MMA fighter and Maryland gubernatorial candidate Kyle Sefcik — yelled, before complaining that he’d lost money on the event.
So it was a for-profit protest? Were they charging the protesters? No wonder they didn’t come…and fuel costs too…
More likely he’s got a ballpark donation per headcount number. Eg, expect to raise $5k per 1000 attendees. When you’re looking at attendance you can count on the fingers of one asshole, you’re not making money.
As the Daily Beast’s Zachary Petrizzo reported, a trucker protest staged near the Washington Monument struggled to limp past single digits.
LOL. I thought, “Well, more than 9 or 10 trucks isn’t great for them, but it’s more than I thought there would be.” Then I looked at the clip in the tweet.
And DT’s “I have a favor to ask you” phone call to him.
“Where are the trucks!? Where are the trucks!?” an organizer — the MMA fighter and Maryland gubernatorial candidate Kyle Sefcik — yelled, before complaining that he’d lost money on the event.
There’s a lesson in here for all of us. Well, surely there must be. Alas.
That last sentence cracked me up. Burn after reading, anyone?
That’s on a secret server somewhere. Nobody has heard it, though we have a transcript. Maybe we could have Yakov Smirnoff read the transcript aloud.
Well, Damn It!! If Penske hadn’t shut off that one truck that was headed to DC, they might have had themselves a convoy. Eat shit and die, please!!
“Struggled to limp past single digits”
According to that twitter thread, the number of trucks struggled to limp past zero.
I hate to say this, but one swallow does not make a spring, nor one truck a convoy. Sometimes beyond just hoping you have to do some planning, put some work in, check that the interest and commitment are there, all that fun stuff. I think Kyle Sefcik should work on that a bit more because if he’s successful in campaigning to be the governor of Maryland it’s going to be a thing he’s expected to do. You can’t just stamp your feet and yell because you wanted a thing to happen and it didn’t.
Tell that to TFG. And his BFF, Vlad.
I go for achievable goals. A goal you can’t achieve isn’t really a goal.
Sefcik thought there was a parade and ran to get in front of it. Oops, no parade.
“WHERE ARE THE TRUCKS??!!!” Oh Lord, that’s funny. This guy wants to run a state. That’s funnier, but in a more abstract way. Yelling because there are no trucks is just good old-fashioned lulz.
He really, really wanted that photo op. Maybe he can pose in front of cawthorn’s wheelchair.
Stuck in a traffic jam north of Kyiv, and burning up in Bashtanka.
I guess being upset about the truck situation may be a wingnut loonie situation the whole world round.