Biden Throws Down Gauntlet In Taunting Trump To Debate

Lock. Him. Up.

I am dumbfounded that the prosecutors have not filed a motion for contempt. It’s blindingly obvious, and even if it does not formally succeed the defendant still gets warned off doing this shit.


I had 8 years of debate experience: 1 in junior high school, 3 in senior high school, and 4 in college. Donald Trump is a horrible debater: a good showman perhaps, but absolutely terrible in almost every fundamental aspect of debating. In addition to lying about everything, he doesn’t really respond to questions or present any persuasive, logical answers. His almost total ignorance on all major topics simply shines through.

The above being said, it is an open question how much impact debates even have any more. HRC didn’t beat Mr. Trump in their debates, she atomized him! I have commented before that I would have slunk off the stage if I had lost as badly as he did, and yet he obtained fairly favorable reviews from the MSM, and of course went on to win the election. However, by any metric, Mr. Trump is far worse now than he was then, so I doubt he will actually accept President Biden’s debate challenge.


Video at^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet


I believe that’s where the isolation chamber comes in.


They should have killed off the debates after the disgraceful gotcha question asked by Bernard Shaw of Dukakis in 1988. Dukakis did nobody any favors with his robotic answer, but Shaw’s “What if a ****** raped your wife?” question was a demonstration that the debates are all theater and nothing else.

And then there’s Martha Raddhatz in 2016 asking HRC questions based on leaked speeches where the veracity of the leaked speeches had not yet been determined (and the gotcha question was about wasn’t HRC two-faced because she talked in a speech about balancing the needs of different constituencies). But Raddhatz got to cry on election night 2016, so it’s all good.


Lately it’s been “pedophile”.


Very close to achieving this initiative. Check back in November.


The trial is not about porn at all, as everyone here knows, but I take this as Murkowski registering her thorough disgust with Trump and his boorish behavior.


Sword fight, then?


Unfortunately that gets read by a lot of voters as “He’s a complete fucking idiot. He’s just like me!”


Pistols. Twenty paces. I think trump would drop dead at 10.


Rudy could make it big in Carpathia.




Another “odd” coincidence is that 4 of the five were dressed exactly the same; Moses Johnson opted for a striped tie, I suspect because at 5’ 2" it’s tough to stand out in a crowd. It’s just a matter of time before they all wear Waffen-SS uniforms with extra-long red power ties.



Unassisted 20° pitch ramp descending


Agree totally.


“it’s been Republicans for a long time who have most chafed against the presidential debates commission so there’s some irony in a Democratic president being the first (I think?) to part ways entirely with the existing system.”

It would have been Mango Messiah’s very first demand. By taking it away from him, he undermines any leverage Mango might have been able to gain from it, particularly in terms of using it as a messaging device for him and his KKKult’s KKKlergy to launch fusillades at everything from “elites” to the 'liberal media and its bias" to “rigged this” and “rigged that” while accusing Biden of hiding behind it.

Done. Gone. Now Biden looks like the tough guy who slapped all of that aside and said “none of that shit…just you and me, bitch, in that alley right over there.” And for Mango, who is now back-footed, to now refuse and try to get transactional and seek advantage from the mechanics and structure, he is going to have to come up with other demands that are even sillier/stupider, perhaps message them from the ground up (i.e., the commission was already a long-standing target of the GQP/KKKult, an already primed propaganda pump). In turn, Biden now gets to message about Mango trying to avoid the debate, trying to invent excuses to run and hide by making absurd demands, etc.

And Mango is a predictable, narcissistically-compelled fucking idiot. He CANNOT allow the debates to happen without feeling internally like he’s won and like he’s created the appearance of having won the very first “debate”, which is the negotiation of how the two “real” debates will be structured, who will host and moderate them, etc. He will probably misinterpret Biden coming out of the gate “conceding” that they won’t use the Commission as a sign of weakness, that Overton’s Window has already moved greatly in his favor and that he can extract even more concessions beyond what he could have had Biden not conceded the Commission from the get-go. He will be wrong.


Trump is coordinating surrogates to come to his defense as a workaround to the gag order

In other words, Trump is instructing surrogates to attack his opponent’s family members.


Could have edited the whole Morning Memo down to the last item. Considered in the face of global warming we are profoundly insignificant.