A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1489465
A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version.
Alsobrooks, Hogan Win Maryland Senate Primary Races | Crooks and Liars
May she beat Hogan!
And about those polls…
She will make history if she wins in November, becoming the first Black woman to represent the Old Line State in the Senate.
Alsobrooks is set to face off against popular former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) in the fall.
Yes, the polls had her in a dead heat. She won by 10+ points.
“Make my day,” FUCK YES! That’s a president. Fat Donnie can go suck it.
Donnie doesn’t debate. He merely engages in histrionics with insults, blather, and blubber.
From the MM -
I should show my cards right off the bat: I don’t think made-for-TV debates are anything close to sacrosanct; the made-for-TV debates of the past several cycles have strayed far from the public service ethos they may have been originally grounded in; and I would dearly love to retire the faulty notion that “being good on TV” is an adequate proxy for being a good president.
But that’s what Republicans LOVE! The media does “Made for TV” because it gets them what they want!
"… In the popular imagination, at least among right-wingers, Ronald Reagan is seen as a magisterial figure. He isn’t remembered for the Marine barracks bombings in Beirut that killed 241 U.S. servicemembers and led to a withdrawal of U.S. servicemembers from Lebanon. (Reagan won a 49-state landslide when he ran for reelection a year later.) The admirers of Reagan also shrug off Iran-contra and the massive deficits created by his tax cuts.
"Pre-Trump Republicans got mulligans when things went wrong on their watch because many Americans see them as manly defenders of Right and Truth and Good. When bad things happen under a Democratic president, these voters cast blame and see weakness – but when bad things happen under a Republican president, they see it as a sign that we need a strong, steady, Republican hand on the tiller, even if that was the hand on the tiller when the crisis happened in the first place.
"Trump failed during the pandemic, but he always acted as if he was a strong leader getting the job done. Polls consistently say that voters think he’s a stronger leader than Biden – mostly, I think, because he postures like one. So I’m not surprised that he’s getting away with godawful crisis management. Republicans often do. " – Steve M., at No More Mister Nice Blog, on the phenomenon of Republicans getting so many mulligans for their mismanagement from the American public. If this gauzy, disastrous amnesia continues, it’ll be the end of our democracy for good.
I’d like to see audiences eliminated from the debate. The sound bite lines will still happen, but there would be fewer dumb applause lines from the candidates. Plus, audiences no longer know how to behave (see, e.g., Lauren Boebert).
And the obligatory self-enshitification.
Great move Joe! Let’s hope mango takes de bait.
I don’t think Biden really wants to debate TFG.
His strong challenge is coated with stipulations that TFG can’t accept so it will just look like TFG is the one backing out.
In Whitby UK after a shipwreck.
Gee, Mike Pence. Personally, I’d be more than just a little miffed if someone instigated a violent coup attempt that came “that close” to killing not only me, but also my family. I might even consider it unforgivable.
The polls. Kinda like that red wave in 2022.
Why do we give them ANY CREDIT.
I loved that last barb Biden threw at Trump: “I hear you’re free on Wednesdays”. Haha.
I only wish he’d added a “at least for now”, but I suppose some in the media might need a fainting couch if he had said that.
We’ve almost all see the story that Trump was seen editing Johnson’s courthouse steps remarks. As @txlawyer observed yesterday, Trump has called his GOP visitors “surrogates.”
And now a confession from Sooper Genius Tuberville. He said he was there “to help [Trump] with his gag order. He can’t talk, so we can go up there and talk for him.”