From the article
Rice’s role overseeing the council does not require Senate confirmation.
Benghaaaaaaaaaazzzzzi in 3…2…1…
WE are the several million UNEMPLOYED Californians and their families who have had to suffer (and still do) through her laborious Facebook “sessions” talking over everyone yet refusing to address the inherent issues of what was happening on her watch: Her agency oversees California’s EDD. The actual EDD director was missing in action the entire year…then retired…in the mean time, the most Su offered were accolades to her agency. If you weren’t unemployed- you might not know.
Rice would never make it through the Senate confirmation process for SoS or any other cabinet position. Republicans hate her. But rest assured, she will have some influence in other areas such as foreign policy. To me, that’s a good thing because I like the hell out of Susan Rice.
And for domestic policy, I could think of no one better suited for the job either.
Fantastic news.
Dems. need to start running on the platform that finally enabled them to take California: “Give Dems. a super majority in both houses so we can stop the gridlock and actually change things.” Californians gave Dems. a chance and got the State back on track. For some reason, the national Dems. are afraid of this strategy. Dems. are afraid of losing in the short term and spending some time in the political wilderness. However, the California strategy is a clear winner because Republicons can be counted on to screw things up royally when they have power, the argument is simple enough for people to grasp, and when achieved, the result allows for real substantive governmental changes that the voters can actually see. Our current Dem. strategy is just not tenable long-term given the anti-democratic structure of the Constitution which gives power to rural states which contain a minority of the population.
As a foreign policy expert, she has a keen understanding of third world autocratic nations.
She’ll be a perfect fit for this.
I like California and think it’s beautiful. But I don’t want to be California or follow their example. Outsourcing your CO2 isn’t progressive. Just because it isn’t burned in California doesn’t mean it’s not going into the atmosphere from somewhere else.
Being as Elon Musk is now the second richest man in the world via a massive transfer of taxpayer dollars into his pocket, he said goodbye to California and hello to Texas. Most likely to save millions in personal taxes as Texas has no income taxes.
California is mostly responsible for his early success via regulatory rebates and Californians buying most of his cars. Does he feel any obligation to pay back anything? Nope. Moving to Texas to avoid paying any personal taxes in California.
The problem with that is that those positions would end at the end of the next legislative session.
So what? Lather, rinse, repeat.
ETA: I admit that it becomes problematic if (as I expect) the GOP takes over the House in 2023, although I expect even then that a round of recess appointments during the December-January recess would probably get Joe to the end of his first term.
I thought all that was required was a Mar-a-Lago membership.
McConnell will need to be very careful about what fights he picks. All of Biden’s nominees are experienced and respected people, many of whom have held federal offices in past and performed well. This is the same McConnell who shepherded numerous marginal and/or utterly incompetent nominees through the system for Trump.
Every time he and his party hacks try to block someone of stature they will pay a political cost as past and current behavior will be endlessly highlighted by the Dems and in the press. The Democratic campaign ads in the 2022 senate races will practically write themselves.
Dems. don’t have to like California’s policies to adopt the California Dems. strategy to obtain lasting electoral power for Dems. The issue is how to win lasting power and to gain control to enable Dems. to enact Dem. policies. Californians got that right.
As for Elon Musk, Texas is welcome to have him, and all that comes with him. Those of us in California are quite confident that our policies will enable our State to continue to create and innovate even after the greedy and shortsighted Elon Musks of the world move on to where they feel comfortable. And if our policies need changing, we have a Dem. majority that can actually get things done while Texas has… Republicons.
I agree.
Yes! I was hoping she would be Biden’s Chief of Staff, but anything she does, she’ll do extremely well
And, much to her credit, she knows the enemy, having suffered at their hands while, and after, serving for Obama. I don’t think she’ll be muddled in her thought about them.
Its quite possible, I would even venture, extremely probable, that Rice wanted this position. She is well respected as a foreign policy expert, but one of the criticisms of her as a candidate is her lack of domestic policy expertise. This provides an excellent vehicle for her to garner that, while also gaining valuable management experience by elevating the status of the board.
Maybe if we win the GA2 and neuter Mitch. Don’t see how we would otherwise make him pay any political cost.
The press will certainly not do any sort of comparisons. The last 4 years will be willfully going right down the memory hole.
Look for a storyline of republicans calling President Biden illegitimate as the outcome of all that is going on now to emerge. And with that narrative, McConnell, and others, will gleefully deny nominations at every chance…after all, how can they approve a nomination from an illegitimate President?
They want President Biden to fail, particularly over the next 2 years, so they can campaign in 2022 on how bad things are and blame Dems for all of it.