The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was getting people to look at union members and ask “why do they still have?” instead of “why don’t I have?”
If the president really supports workers to unionize he should fly to Oshkosh WI and stand with the Oshkosh Defense workers who are about to lose a ten billion ten year USPS contract to SC - to build USPS trucks. Ownership prefers right to work states. RoJo said publicly he doesn’t give a shit one way or another.
Go for it Joe. Lock up a victory now in an important to be contested state in 2024. Do what your former boss said he would do (but didn’t) in 2007 - when president. " I will put on a comfortable pair of shoes and I will walk on that picket line …"
“I’m here at the will and pleasure of the people. They have a chance to change and things of that sort,” Manchin said. “So we got to make sure we’re doing it and doing it right.