Is that Booker? I saw him last night on MSNBC and he seems smart overall—but woefully ignorant about what it takes to win statewide in Kentucky.
McGrath may be a centrist—Booker called her a Trump-loving Dem----but that is the kind of Dem who gets elected in the heart of Appalachia.
And peeps who think politics is a single-axis problem are lying to themselves.
It’s multi-dimensional and the importance of each axis is individual.
Trying to form it into a line gives you nothing but a degenerate projection of reality.
He could also go with Trump bankrupted the economy as he did his businesses. A plethora of juicy targets to pick from.
Isn’t this pretty much the case after every modern day R presidency?
Still, rubbing it in is fine with me.
Not to mention the recession began in February, before the economic impact from Coronavirus was widely felt across the US. The recession preceded the virus, and though the virus exacerbated the recession, the main problem was Trump. His reluctance and inability to respond proportionately to the problem at hand.
Charles is my state rep. I like him, he’s got a great future, just not as the guy who can beat Mitch. He’s deep into the Bernie thing and his followers are almost all Bernie types. Hence, why he was on Chris Hayes.
He has gone down to Eastern, KY and talked to coal miners down there. And that’s brave. He had a great meme when he was talking about the shared issues between urban and rural, mostly the kitchen table items; health care, jobs, education. But what he said was, “From the Hood to the Holler” with his ideas of bringing these two vastly different places to some kind of unity on issues. I think that’s fucking brilliant and he should continue working on that.
His yanging about Amy being the Centrist / trump loving etc., is the Bernie shit they’re all into and plenty of KY Dems don’t appreciate that shit.
He’s a wonderful speaker, which Amy is not, but he’s still young and needs to keep at it. He left his one term house seat to run against Mitch so I don’t know what he’s going to do after the election.
Terribly written… why no comment on the “mistake” that incorrectly shows the unemployment rate at 13.3 when it’s really 16.3?
and didn’t you mean to say the economy was already in decline in feb? seems there is a typo
Maybe someone will take him in hand and teach him about electoral politics.
He seems smart to me, and he seems like someone who could learn to win outside his district.
In addition trumPP pulled out of every agreement Obama made, nuclear with Iran, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Paris Agreement having to do with climate, and we know why. The Black Man signed them, and trumPP was filled with grievances about his accomplishments. The country is weaker because of his actions, and we are no longer that shining beacon of hope but a country of xenophobes sanctioned by orange.
Absolutely, he’s got a future if he keeps on keeping on.
We forget that the dismantling of ACA is on the SCOTUS docket for after the election. About 130,000 have died, more will every day for the next few years, but give them healthcare? Nah.
Yeah, you sort through the dreck of trump points memo and sometimes there’s something newsworthy
It’s probably best in this case to ignore what Politico has to say. But FWIW
I’d toss some former Bernie campaign peeps into that mix as well.
That’s really the biggest reason I voted for Amy. I’m so tired of this strategy in which they try to win elections by viciously attacking other candidates in hopes that it’ll somehow drive voters to their candidate. They need to learn that it doesn’t work in the Democratic Party. You wanna win? Sell me on your candidate, but don’t paint the other candidate as evil incarnate.
Thank you! I will be posting this in some of my groups.
What did you think of Broihier?
I like him quite a bit, but doesn’t seem to have caught on.
And the hits will keep on coming, Donnie…