Biden Says Trump ‘Squandered’ Economic Growth That Started Under Obama | Talking Points Memo

Well I’m sure you can find some Biden coverage: any minute now Politico will publish an article that examines how, since W, Colin Powell, Condi Rice, Murkowski, Romney, and an entire constellation of star-wearing military brass have all disavowed the current Republican president, they have no choice but to conclude that the Dems are in disarray.


These economists are a part of the National Bureau of Economic Research’s Business Cycle Dating Committee and they recognize nearly 11 full years of economic growth — beginning long before Trump was elected — which offers some credence to Biden’s claim.

Zoe has just earned her NYT merit badge. Anybody who has been breathing the last 11 years knows the expansion started under Obama. It just kept rolling along for the first three years of Trump.


Trump has handlers too scared to tell him that having rallies may be one of the worst things he can do for the economy, if people like Osterholm and Fauci are to be believed.


“Biden Says Trump ‘Squandered’ Economic Growth That Started Under Obama.”

Ghost of Fred: “Tell me about it…”


Ugh, I hate to bring this up, but in several liberal FB groups I’m in the youngins are convinced that Biden is a pedophile. I have no idea where this idiotic claim comes from. Anyone have an idea?


Yeah…happens every time a Republican follows a Democrat.

Funny you should mention that.

Team Trump is more and more convinced that Trump’s popularity is not going to improve…and that the best thing to do at this point is to smear Biden.


“Trump inherited the longest economic expansion in history from the Obama-Biden administration,” Biden said. “But like everything else he’s inherited, he has squandered it.”

Oh, yes!

Biden criticized the president’s “completely bungled response” to the coronavirus crisis that has devastated the economy. The former vice president said that sharp losses felt by many Americans who have lost jobs as the country shutdown to slow the spread of the virus could have been prevented.

Oh, hell yes!

“It did not have to be this way. Millions of Americans are suffering right now because of his negligence and incompetence,” Biden said.

OH, HELL YES!!! The Trifecta!!! Biden wins the trifecta!!!

Lol. Personally, I would’ve provided details of all the intelligence that Trump ignored, and how Trump demolished our public health defense infrastructure along with our overseas public health first responders, and how those first responders had shut down Zika and Ebola, and then I would’ve told the media about how Trump was provided with the design for high-speed N95 mask production machinery in 2018, but he did nothing with those plans. That’s too much detail for too many.

Keep it up, Joe. Crush the pumpkin-headed demon of disinformation known as Trumplethinskin.




I’d take the German results too – hit hard but very few deaths and a stunning rate of recovery. It’s been attributed to widespread testing and tracking – and a healthcare system that works for everyone.

They were, however, thrown into a recession. But I don’t think any country is going to escape that. The kind of bounceback Trump and his idiots talk about is magical thinking. The whole world is going to suffer economically, and we’re only at the beginning of it.


Paging Michael Bloomberg. SOS! SOS!

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Don Jr retweeted that claim a few weeks ago.


I like the use of the phrase “inherited and squandered”. It should appear in every Democratic ad, be a frequent meme in every interview. INHERITED - AND SQUANDERED: the Donald Trump Story. Maybe even a campaign book…


Because of his occasionally awkward photographs where he’s touching their hair and such.

Somehow, that’s an issue while Trump groping his daughter and busting into dressing rooms is “old news” and he’s “a different person now”.


With bigger commissions and more grifting opportunities for the entire Parscale family!


It comes from Glenn Greenwald acolytes, the most fervent of the Bernie Cultists, Russian bots, and some of the Unicorn Mounted Purity Brigade.

It’s largely a result of massive amounts of sour grapes.


Oh, so now the cosplay socialist movement is spouting RW fever swamp nonsense in order to undermine the Democratic nominee. I voted for Amy McGrath today and the sole reason I did so is because the far left candidate, who is black and would normally get my vote, is supported by the far left. I will not support them or their candidates.


Both far left and far right eventually veer away from individual thinking.

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You can pull demand forward, but you can’t fake actual growth for very long.