Biden’s Slog To Counter Trump’s Imprint On The Judiciary Is Just Beginning | Talking Points Memo

President Trump was able to remake the federal judiciary by nominating a flood of young, conservatives judges. Now the Democratic counter-offensive is underway.

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The future of this country sure is bright.

All I have to do is live to 150 to see it


With Democrats like Manchin in the Senate, Biden’s chances of countering what Trump has wrought approach nil.




Don’t be so certain of that. A totally 50 vote Goppers bloc against every one Joe nominates is not a good look for the gop. One that is hard to justify and one that makes Manchin more favorably inclined towards whatever the Democrats are trying.


But Trump was extraordinarily successful at getting his nominees to the appellate court bench.

It always bugs me when I hear/read some version of this. The only reason he got so many nominees to the bench is because doing so was the Senate Majority Leader’s single legislative goal for four years. Between WH attorneys, Heritage, and McConnell, Trump had almost nothing to do with the success of his judicial nominees.



Here is what seems “interesting”.

“Previously unreported details of the proposal reveal just how seriously the former president took his grievances against the intelligence and law enforcement establishment. It shows Trump at his mercurial peak, ordering up the removal of his own appointee in a fit of rage, only to back down when then-Attorney General Bill Barr threatened to resign if he followed through with the maneuver.”


It would be a lot more accurate to say, “But McConnell was extraordinarily successful at getting his nominees to the appellate court bench.”


The person at the top is usually credited, whether or not they personally did much of anything or left the work to nameless underlings.


Biden’s Slog To Counter Trump’s Imprint On The Judiciary Is Just Beginning

Also could be titled "Maybe Hillary Wasn’t Just As Bad As Trump, After All"


True enough, but the person at the top gets the credit because we usually don’t know who the nameless (and in this case no-account) underlings were. In this case, we know exactly who is responsible. I would be stunned to learn that TMFWSSNBN had ever met any of Boney-Carrot, Kavanope, or Gobsmack before they were nominated to SCotUS.


Generalfeldmarshall Ritter von Leeb played key roles in both invading France and the siege of Leningrad, yet historians generally talk about Hitler. Go figure.


This is why getting more Senate seats is a MUST
This is why Voter Suppression is a MUST

Guess who wrote what…




House Dems need to create a perpetual investigation committee, like Benghazi, if they won’t “let us” have a 1-6 Commission.
Tailor it specifically to come to a head sometime in early July 2022.
The 4th would be quite appropriate.
Build it that way, promote it that way, push the whole thing down the road that way and just DO IT with the majority power Pelosi so deftly wields when she has to act in a purely partisan way.
If they fear that ever-remembering Trump’s Rebellion will deflate their voter turnout, then lets give it to them in that very form, planned and strategized very publicly for that very purpose, and we should do it unapologetically, even mercilessly.
There are a hundred slogans that justify it.
“Remember BenghazI” is always a safe retort when they whine as they surely will,
“Remember January 6!” works for me, and “REMEMBER THE GALLOWS” will always send a shiver up Mike Pence’s limber spine.
If they don’t want a 1-6 Commission, lets give them 1-6 hell to pay, every day until the 2022 election season heats up, and lets not even pretend that there is any other purpose but removing these soul-suckers from functional power.
Let them cringe every single day when the damning testimony is played in repeating loops on every cable news show but FOX.
Give them NO quarter, in terms of imposing the truth upon them whether they want to hear it or not.
They are simply not worthy of our compassion, in any way.
They have none for us and they never have.


And other than military history buffs, how many could name von Lieb? I’m a military history buff (admittedly I’m more interested in the PTO in WW2 for personal reasons), and I couldn’t have named von Lieb. Rundstedt, Rommel, and a few others sure, but not von Lieb.


The GQP has never cared about optics. I mean, look at their involvement in the insurrection and how they just want to walk away from the violence.

Look at how the voting populace is dealing with the insurrection - a not-insignificant portion of the population just wants to ignore and whitewash the whole thing. Optics just aren’t a thing with the GQP supporters. They want what they want and they want it now.


I feel like it’s a form of political metonymy. You see the same sort of construction when the president is credited with writing legislation, or when reps and senators are credited with “voting with” him. The president is a stand-in for the entire administration and/or the party. But I do agree it’s especially jarring in this instance since we all know Trump did jack shit when it came to judicial nominees.

But boy is this frustrating. The GOP wastes no time appointing any unqualified fascist they can get their hands on. But progressive groups see that someone was a corporate lawyer or prosecutor and it’s a big nope. Cmon guys…


Can a House member be compelled to take the witness stand without prior notice during a hearing?
Think about that, folks.