Almost immediately after polls closed in South Carolina’s fourth-in-the-nation Democratic presidential contest Saturday, exit polling had indicated the winner: Former Vice President Joe Biden.
He must have had an overwhelming win for them to call it this quickly, as no votes have been counted as I write this. A big win by Biden here, plus bad showings by Pete and Amy, will push people to start calling for the other two to give up after Tuesday no matter how things go for them. If Steyer collapses, which I would guess if Biden won big, he’ll be pushed to leave as well. I doubt anyone leaves before Tuesday, but I’d expect a big Biden win to pull support from those three in the ST states.
It’s good Biden won…Sanders isn’t really representative of what the party as a whole wants, and one of the moderates has to pick up steam to give a viable choice as the primary goes on. There is just too much of a split vote between all the moderates, if this pushes Biden back forward as the standard bearer then it clarifies the primary.
I suppose it’s time to get Zelensky on line 1 at the White House, because it’s time for a favor though. Just keep all the NSC staffers off the phone this time, would ya?
And time for Graham and Grassley to crank up that Biden investigation again. Funny how the intensity of their investigation correlates with Biden’s position in the primary race.
I remember, during the Shrubya era, when exit polling that showed he lost Florida and, IIRC, another close state, was deemed notoriously inaccurate by Rove and a host of other curs. Curiously, prior to that it had been pretty much spot on.
ditto, Biden is about in 4th place of the people I want to be president, and 3rd the nominee, but at this point anyone who can stop Bernie - and as such prevent Trump from being elected is my friend.
YouGov recently broke out the “competitive states” and polled it before the current first time vetting of Bernie started, and he is running substantially behind Biden in the battle ground states:
"Sanders led 48 percent to 42 percent among registered voters. Yet when the playing field was narrowed to the 10 states that were closest in the 2016 presidential election and that will likely decide 2020 — Michigan, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Florida, Minnesota, Nevada, Maine, North Carolina and Arizona — Sanders’s lead over Trump was slashed in half (48 percent to 45 percent). That 3-point gap was within the margin of error.
In contrast, former Vice President Joe Biden led Trump by 9 points nationally (50 percent to 41 percent) and by 7 points (50 percent to 43 percent) in the battleground states. "
And this is the forecast before $2B in TV/facebook advertisements pointing out how Bernie is a Trotskyite, whose version of “continuous revolution” involves breadlines, the government taking away your healthcare and giving you the same government healthcare he is going to give illegal immigrants, and oh send another $54.6T funded by taxes on you to pay for things like Reparations for slavery, helping out all of those illegal immigrants and a green new deal which will make you eat tofu.
Probably some others stuff, but that is the gist of it.