Biden Proclaims Day Of Remembrance 100 Years After Tulsa Massacre

President Joe Biden declared a day of remembrance Sunday 100 years after the massacre in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

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The U.S. dodged a bullet. I shudder to think what might have been. But, Biden is the right man for these times.


A message that will resonate with about 51% of the country. The rest will have another beer.


I totally agree. I was pretty tepid on Biden during the campaign, but he has seized the moment in a very skillful way with almost pitch perfect messaging. P.S. Jen Psaki is excellent.


Every Republican: ”That was 100 years ago – we can’t make reparations to people who are all dead!”

The Three Known Survivors: (Polite cough)

Every Republican: ”Biden’s gonna ban beef! People who wear masks are Nazis!! SOCIALISM!!!”


Well done! I recall AG Garland’s first public visit as AG was also to Tulsa.

I’m not a historian or an expert on Cuba, but does what happened in the Greenwood neighborhood of Tulsa in 1921 compare in any way to what happened to the Cuban exiles under Fidel Castro? Any similarities beyond property and possessions being destroyed or seized? I’d be interested in informed thoughts and opinions. Thanks in advance!

49% will scream about CRT.


and complain about the 1619 project.


When they say Greenwood was destroyed, it was aerial bombed with turpentine bombs tossed from airplanes. This was the first aerial bombing of a US city. Then there were the machine guns.

I don’t know what Fidel did to the exiles’ property but I doubt it raised their property to the ground.


Many did not know about this 1921 event. And, notwithstanding the opposition of those who disparage this recognition, it is an effort.

There are boys and girls who did not know who will.


And White people wonder why Black people don’t trust them.


That was the point I was trying to get to. Fifty years later, Florida politics seemingly still revolves around the outsized power of the Cuban exiles while the Greenwood massacre has been written out of American history. I can tell you I never learned of it in all the years of my public school education.

ETA: We are more concerned with what a foreign country did to its expats than what our country did to her own people.


Ominously, the state of Texas, in all its stupidity and racism, is writing laws to prevent teachers from engaging in a balanced discussion of our history with their students.


I still can’t figure out how this came up on my radar screen over 10 years ago. It wasn’t the Watchman series, in pretty sure I read about in some article.

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This was a pogrom. It was absolutely horrifying. I’m glad it’s finally being recognized and talked about and commemorated.


Do you know about Rosewood, FL? 1923 and there are similarities between Rosewood, FL and Greenwood, OK. Except 60 years after the town was destroyed the descendants sued the state of FL and they got compensation.

As for the Cuban exiles’ influence in politics, especially getting Republican support I have no idea why that still happens.


Yes, thank you. And then Republicans keep asking why black people need “handouts” or don’t pull themselves up by their own bootstraps when every time they do, another barrier is imposed or a crime against their property or person committed. And, very regrettably, things haven’t changed much in a hundred years, judging from the videos I’ve seen.


Things like the Greenwood Massacre, Rosewood, the Trail of Tears, and so much more of our history that is not taught in public schools is precisely why things like Critical Race Theory (CRT) and the “1619 Project” need to be incorporated into our curriculum development. Unless we as citizens know and understand the mistakes we and our forebears have made in our past, and apply that knowledge to our future, America will never achieve the “greatness” that idiots like Trump and his followers think we have already realized.


Well in the Greenwood case the insurance companies didn’t pay on their policies, and the federal gov’t weren’t of any help.
Later on the gov’t ran an interstate through a major portion of Greenwood, which is another way local and federal governments harm A/A home owners and communities.


Racism is a social problem we have the tools for. The biggest obstacle is the Republican Party.

We have a government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Look Around …to see which people the Republican Party wishes to listen to.

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