Biden Marks Anniversary Of COVID Shutdown In First Primetime National Address | Talking Points Memo

President Biden is scheduled to deliver his first primetime speech at 8 p.m. ET, addressing the one-year anniversary of the day when when many lockdowns went into effect in the United States and when the World Health Organization declared the virus to be a pandemic. 

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BFD Biden deserves a victory lap. We put him in office and he delivered, along with maybe the help of God or maybe FSM, and most definitely with the help of the voters of Georgia. .


Biden is thinking several steps ahead. He is going to tell States that they should fully open up vaccine eligibility by no later than May 1. That means states are being encouraged to open up eligibility now. The vaccine supply is only going to grow. Take advantage of the March-April period to get everyone vaccinated.

Biden recognizes that we are in a race against time with the variant and dumb governors like DeSantis and Abbott. We’ve only vaccinated 10% of Americans but we’re opening up way too fast and some like Abbott are also trashing mask wearing. The variant is now a higher percentage of new cases so we’re going to face a surge. The only way to fight it is with masks and vaccinations. Biden is stepping up the vaccination schedule so that whatever surge happens can be contained to the April time frame.


At this point, Amazon Prime may be asking him for advice for improving their service.

(Like 80lbs+ lugged by a skinny 100 pounder, may require a dolly or splitting the load. Pet peeve is I am noticing some of the prime delivery folks are both under powered and under trained for the work. They are going to have injuries. )


As Josh & others have pointed out, it is electorally important to get good press & associate these improvements with Biden & the Dems.

It strikes me that Biden is able to take advantage of his white male privilege in this effort. Had Obama touted himself more, he would have been uppity. I believe Hillary would have faced similar roadblocks.

A great example of the best use of privilege. Go, Joe!!! And THANK YOU for being competent & caring.


My god, look what diligence and competence can accomplish …


Whatever. What really matters is compared to the last guy you gotta admit this Biden guy sucks at owning the libs. He should really prioritize.


Let’s hope this isn’t part of his address - even Rachael is beginning to question some of his appointments…

Ambassador Post for Rahm Emanuel Would Signal Hostile Approach to Grassroots (


This is good, Biden should be singing from the rafters everything that he and Democrats are doing to make American lives better. And, he should slide in a dig at Republicans…a gentle one, like “my friends across the aisle didn’t vote for this, but it’s popular for people so hopefully they will join us on the next bill”. Make it clear he still wants to work with them while holding them accountable for not helping people.

And, the growing opening of the nation is dangerous…too many are opening too fast once again, so no doubt we’ll get a new surge of cases. Pushing vaccinations hard is the only way to cut that down, and that’s why we’re seeing the pressure. And, Biden should be looking to take world leadership on vaccinations…once we’re all done with the first cycle, spread that out to the poor nations to help stop the spread worldwide. We’ll need a booster shot sometime soon, they should get onto that as well…the variants are looking more worrisome so it’s likely going to be another 330 million shots soon.

It’s great seeing competent government in action after four years of garbage fire leadership by tweet…the momentum has to keep going though so people decide they want the Democrats to stay in charge.


Obama made some inroads, but Biden is the one we were actually waiting for. He’s completing what Obama was unable to. Or LBJ. Or FDR. No, we’re not going to become Denmark or Germany any time soon. But we’re going to fix this, get the economy humming again, transform our energy supply to a largely green one, get people to be fairly paid, properly educate our young people, give everyone access to affordable and decent health care–and finally start building out a national high speed rail network (gonna take decades to complete though). And electric cars and planes!


I hope he gratefully acknowledges by name all the Republicans who voted for this.

Repeatedly, with some pregnant pauses for emphasis…


I could see Rahm as ambassador to the Vatican. Otherwise, nowhere closer to the mainstream than, say, Iceland. “Diplomacy” is not in the man’s vocabulary.


Maybe Joe can touch on this, too…


I call bullshit on these guys:


Oo He looks great.


Just one month into President Joe Biden’s term, the all-news cable channel last week stopped airing the daily White House press briefings. Perhaps the events weren’t entertaining enough, as White House spokesperson Jen Psaki has routinely declined to insert Biden into cultural war debates, refused to castigate reporters, and won’t make stuff up in the name of partisan warfare, the way her Republican predecessors did.

Instead, Psaki has answered questions as best she can about White House policy, while treating journalists with respect, instead of mocking them in search of cheap political points.

That’s no longer considered must-see TV at CNN. Fox News also stopped airing the briefings, which is completely expected. MSNBC as of last week was still airing the live Q&A’s from the White House.

CNN’s move represents one of the most dramatic ways the press has changed the way it covers Biden, as compared to Trump. Suddenly gone is the nonstop, unfiltered coverage of White House briefings, which defined cable news during the past four years.

In January 2017, the rules changed overnight when Trump was inaugurated and suddenly the media sessions were treated as breaking news events. That, despite the fact that during the final six months of Barack Obama’s presidency, just three percent of daily White House press briefings aired live, according to Media Matters.

In other words, Obama briefings were not aired. Trump’s were. Now, Biden’s are not. So much for liberal media bias.


The rightwing hated it when he said he “killed Bin Laden.” The crapped themselves about it.


It’s so weird not diving for the mute button.


Finding light in the darkness is the MOST American thing we do.
-Joe Biden 2021


All five living California governors could do a PSA together. Even have fun with it. The Former Guy is such a weak, pathetic loser.