Biden: Facebook Told Staff Of Russian Bots | Talking Points Memo

Former Vice President Joe Biden said during an interview on CBS’ “Face the Nation” Sunday morning that Facebook alerted his staff about Russian bots targeting his campaign.

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Facebook alerted his staff about Russian bots targeting his campaign.

“And we ain’t gonna do doodly squat about it,” they added.


If you have a Facebook account, you’re being targeted by Russian bots. That’s not news.


"they spent a lot of money on bots on Facebook.”

“And they’ve been taken down saying Biden is a bad guy,”

What about all of this do we NOT understand?


Get rid of Facebook and Twitter and a lot of problems would be solved. Not going to happen, I know but both of these are useless platforms.


Don’t you mean “Лицо-книга?”

His own tongue has targeted his campaign.


That just caused a фейспалм over here


10-15 years ago this would have been on the headline of every newspaper in the country. Today, we have shoulder shrugs saying so what.

I’m now starting to think we should put the gun to our heads and reelect trump just to get this shits show over with once and for all. We deserve the worst outcome if this has become the new normal.


We’re about to experience the most hosed up election of all time. MM is smirking his ass off and media keeps reporting this stuff like it’s new news. It’s beginning to look like the end goal of the treason party is in fact a hot civil war.


Russia may be choosing Sanders because he’s the weakest of the candidates to go up against Trump (protestations otherwise are ignoring the likely effect when all the Republican attacks start). They may also be choosing him because he will be the most divisive…he’ll call for a left wing revolution in the same way Trump called for a right wing one. We’ll see the crazy left come out against the white supremacists, and the election will be a total mess. Bernie will be a better president than Trump if he wins, but he’ll be damaged and weak, and Bernie doesn’t appear patient enough to work on policy, he’ll try to Trump it through angry speeches. Whichever way that goes down, the Russians win, because we will be divided with an ineffective leader, or we’ll be looking at major fighting over Trump’s continued path towards dictatorship.

The smart thing is not to select Bernie, as that’s what the Russians want…pick another candidate who will be stronger against Trump and able to unite the nation better, and who is smart on policy and not afraid to take Russia head on. We need that for us, and so that there is someone who will stand up to Russia in the international community.


The Russians are attacking the US and the POTUS steps back to let them in.


Yes well it’s best not to elect isolationists but people aren’t paying any goddamn attention to the lack of foreign policy experience.


Biden overcame a stutter as a child and young adult. His brain surgeon who repaired his aneurism said at the time his word choice would be affected. So go ahead and make fun of him. He has not said anything wrong or horrible really–admit it.


All of this is true, and while people may shake their heads after listening to a few malapropisms, it’s because he looks for words that are comfortable. People who’ve overcome a stutter will know this.



Good lord -no one should rely on Facebook wrt elections. They are stupid memes that for the most part ensnare mostly folks with hardened views -like my elderly cousin. Facebook is where I go to see pictures of dogs and cats and other animals doing funny things and pictures of my friends trips, children and grandchildren. I try to keep it politics free and hide anything political-including wacky stuff from the left. It is a cesspool of misinformation.


Not so.

Of course Facebook is going to do something about it.

They are going to send invoices.



Like Zuckerberg gives one shit about anything else.


Facebook is nothing I “do,” but I have an account and do go there from time to time. The most notable thing that pops up for me is offers to buy Hummels. That’s really a WTF. But some data obviously got way crossed there. And, similarly, I have not seen one political ad this primary season. I can’t recall ever having seen a political ad, actually. Or a fake news link.

So some people do get missed. Unless the Russians are selling Hummels. Hm…:thinking: