Biden Dramatically Accelerates His Plan For Carbon-Free Power | Talking Points Memo

WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — Joe Biden released a plan Tuesday aimed at combating climate change and spurring economic growth in part by overhauling America’s energy industry, with a proposal to achieve entirely carbon pollution-free power by 2035.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

So what is the point of this?

Saving Planet Earth and the future of the human race?


Ambitious, but you won’t achieve ambitious goals if you don’t have them.


As Rethugliklans used to say, usually as a means of using The Shock Doctrine to achieve their goals, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”

So go for it, Joe. Bet it all. Go for broke.


The energy transition we must accomplish to survive as a civilisation will encompass nearly every segment of our economy and will be the biggest jobs program in all of history, and most of the jobs will require education and training and as such will demand solid middle class pay packages.

The answer to whether to ban fracking or not is simply to make the technology obsolete by eliminating the demand for it.

The roughnecks and miners presently employed, in most cases intermittently in the classic boom-and-bust cycles that have always typified energy extraction, already have skills that can be easily upgraded to make them ideal employees in deployment of new technologies. If some roughneck says he won’t work building wind farms, he’s being an ideological asshole and deserves to wash dishes or sweep floors instead.


Preventing the next half-dozen major public health and economic crises, rebuilding American infrastructure, and investing in the American economy and workforce, all at the same time?


I was out yesterday in an unfamiliar part of my region and saw miles upon miles of solar farms. We had an argument about whether those farms’ owners were making more money than their corn-growing neighbors.

I recall a friend of mine who wanted to lease her land for a solar farm, only to have it shot down by the county commission on the complaints of the neighbors that it might spoil their groundwater. The lead complainant taught science at the local high school.


In case anyone is more interested in this than the Crime Family.



So the new Undersecretary of Defense in charge of managing the Pentagon's multibillion R&D programs in hypersonics, directed energy, missile defense, AI etc is a 33 year old with a B.A. in political science

— David Burbach (@dburbach) July 14, 2020

The previous job holder was a PhD career aerospace engineer who previously ran NASA. Typically, you'd see people in this job with EXTREMELY heavy resumes -- usually at least two out of three of serious scientist, senior govt program manager, executive-level industry jobs

— David Burbach (@dburbach) July 14, 2020

makes sense to me.
we definitely have to move the country forward, the future is already here from when I was a teenager and look where we are now. 20 years from now, which puts me into my 80’s, I hope to have a total energy efficient home with no electric, fuel oil or even firewood bills to deal with.
I also want a car that flys so I can go around the slowpokes and land in lakes and rivers including the ocean so I can fish.
we shall see.


Bravo, Joe.


Yeah, I’m not against it and assumed he’d be for it, was just thinking about how it would help his election chances. That’s about all I’m concerned about right now.

It’s unquestionably a brilliant strategy to connect spurring economic growth to a “New Deal” level effort to combat climate change.


Here’s how it helps his re-election chances:

Even as you’re saying ‘We will get through this’, you have to demonstrate not only that you can focus on ‘How do we get through this?’ but also have a plan for ‘and what then?’

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Yep. And re-election campaigns are always referendums on the incumbent. Neither one of those things changes the fact that Biden wants to undercut Trump as much as possible in every way he can, including in places like Alabama, where Doug Jones will need the help, and the current upswing in COVID cases just might break through to people.