President Joe Biden on Sunday evening declined to join Democrats’ growing calls for New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) to resign as allegations of sexual misconduct continue to pile up against the governor.
Presidents really shouldn’t be sticking their noses into State level political processes unless there is some indication that the State is corruptly or abusively not taking any action.
Here we seem to see a process of an investigation with broad own-party condemnation of the alleged (likely) behavior subject to investigation.
as should we all… as should we all
The last one …he held my hand too long… OH the humanity1
Cuomo has been governor since 2011
All through the raging MeToo when people (Franken) were being vilified for pictures FFS
Where were these accusers then?
Something stinks
They all need to STFU until the investigation is done
I agree with him. Though it will be shitty for alleged victims to be put through this process, NOBODY should have the power to ruin someone else’s life through accusation alone.
If Biden can’t, or won’t, tweet some half thought out position, and then contradict it in another tweet or statement of some sort twenty minutes later, is he even President?
Wow, lookit that: a POTUS who doesn’t think he has to opine about every. fucking. thing under the sun, AND who believes in letting investigative systems work.
I am sure that a lot of lazy journalists will focus like a laser on Biden’s declination but this is essentially a local issue and since Biden doesn’t have any more access to information than anyone else he is wise not to speculate.
As I noted on another thread yesterday, last Friday a colleague of mine who teaches political science for us told a couple of us that the week that “cofveve” was a thing on Twitter was, for him, the high point of the Trump administration.
Wow, lookit that: a POTUS who doesn’t think he has to opine about every. fucking. thing under the sun,
Exactamundo. There is far, far more important shit for our president to be focusing on. And nicely done by Mr. Biden, giving the gov support - due process - and then quickly moving on. Fat old fucking Lardass would have gotten two weeks out of this. Once again, thank God he’s not our president. Close call though - and I’ll try to not ever mention it again.