Biden Admin Announces New Ad Campaign To Beat Vaccine Skepticism | Talking Points Memo

I want to see if it will fit in the sleeve of a trading card page. Even if the top of the sleeve is open, it will still be protected.

I need two of them anyway - one for hubby and one for me.

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However, if we need booster shots / supplemental shots against the variants, then lamination is a bad idea.

“NASCAR, the Catholic Health Association of the United States and the North American Meat Institute are just a few of the 275 organizations coming together as part of a “Community Corps” that will target communities where hesitancy about getting a COVID-19 shot remains high.”
North American Meat Institute? “Vaccinate, it’s so you can have dinner with your family”.

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Yeah, I’ve wondered about that. I just stashed my original in the file drawer, and carry a “printed on paper” scanned copy, folded up in the wallet.

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I wondered about that as well. I hope that if we have to get boosters or supplemental shots they can copy the info onto a new card.

That may be a better plan.

A vaccine passport is no different than showing proof that your child was vaccinated when you enroll them for school or if your place of employment requires you to provide a medical record.

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When they’re taking down all your info, all of that should be getting uploaded into big databases in the sky, which eventually will be mined to create the national database for electronic vaccination verification. Cards may be it for now, but they’re working on the automated and digital solutions.


But the likelihood of counterfeit is still there. I mean, unless one gets it issued from one’s medical professional, or there’s a database for verification, it could be real easy for the crafty amongst us to create a bogus one.

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Hmm. Get vaccinated on camera … while wearing a mask?

We still delude ourselves that something like effective herd immunity can be attained here in the US, when there are at least 3 billion people globally who won’t be vaccinated for years. Until they get theirs, there is no herd immunity and they will serve as a giant infection pool churning out new variants. We have to get serious about the global effort or our successes here will be temporary and ultimately for naught.

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I am so looking forward to referring to him as “the former Matt Gaetz.”

Maybe we should ask if these fine informed folks heard of polio, mumps, measles, whooping cough and on and on?

But these are the same people who insist that these vaccines are also not safe and lead to autism in their children.

Pointing out these vaccines wouldn’t move the ball with the stupid.

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I think it’s more “get yer shots and get back to work you scurvy dogs”.
The infection and death toll among meat packing plant workers has been truly horrific. The industry responded by pushing the gov to speed up the already dangerously fast disassembly lines at the height of their outbreaks.

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I will continue to try.

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Think of Matt Gaetz’s pal Mr. Greenburg would love that since as tax assessor he was involved in a massive identity theft creating ID’s from scratch.

Yeah, but every system is going to have someone somewhere that’s going to try to game it and defeat it, and that includes manual systems.

With that logic, we could never have any databases for anything anywhere and that’s just not how things work.

We do the best we can in systems design to try to minimize that kind of activity, but it’s true that one can’t defeat all of it.


Not only did the industry speed up the meat carving and packing lines but they also ignored the social distancing regulations creating meat packing super spreaders.

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Yes, just look at how credit cards have been secured in recent years with the chip or the enhanced drivers license.

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