Before Being Disbarred Rudy Tried To Blame His 2020 Lies On ‘Postelection Stress’

Originally published at: Before Being Disbarred Rudy Tried To Blame His 2020 Lies On ‘Postelection Stress’

Much like the rest of us, Rudy Giuliani was apparently exhausted by the 2020 presidential campaign. Giuliani, the former New York City mayor and personal attorney to ex-President Trump, was disbarred in his home state on Tuesday. The Manhattan appeals court ruling included a detailed breakdown and fact checking of the various lies Giuliani told…

I misspeak all the time. I say stupid things, in real life and online. I have never misspoke in court, in court documents, or anytime that I have taken an oath to tell the truth.

Of course, I’m not a lawyer, but I imagine what I just said applies to all lawyers, or virtually all lawyers. People misspeak all the time, but not under oath, and not in writing.


He should appeal to the Supreme Court.

They’ll reinstate him as a lawyer and as mayor of New York City.


Rudy did not “misspeak” – he LIED, repeatedly. The media needs to use “lie” far more frequently when it comes to the J6 insurrectionists and their enablers.


How Rudy sees himself today.


He will develop a new television series, based on his wandering the countryside doing good while trying to clear his name. Brought to you by Four Seasons Total landscaping and Rudy’s Coffee.


That should be worth a healthy gratuity, don’t you think.


In 2000 on the morning of the announcement of Giuliani’s prostate cancer I was working as a legislative aide for a council member and had a bill signing to attend at City Hall for of all things a pet spay and neuter bill. Expansion of locations, mobile vans etc. The full press corps were there because of the gravity of the situation and impact on the senate race. You could tell the sympathy they elicited towards him and you could see that he was actually humbled judging by the look in his face. That Giuliani had been long gone particularly after his post 9/11 sheen. Siding with Trump kept him relevant in the media ecosystem. Since he’s immune compromised from cancer and survived COVID plus hitting the sauce he’s diminished.


When they fall, they fall hard, even if you are the “President of 9/11!”


This is a perplexing fundraising SMS that I received this afternoon:

Screenshot 2024-07-02 at 2.50.18 PM

Here’s the thing: Mark Cuban bankrolled one of last week’s devastating SCOTU$ opinions. He’s not our friend!

I bet one way the GOP is cheating is that they’ve set up “blue” superPACs, and they’ll misspend money sent by blue voters, or sit on it until after the election. Some purpose other than effectively and efficiently helping Dems defeat the GOP this fall. It will be legal but as ineffectual as possible.

After all, all these groups have similar-sounding names. Nobody can keep them straight. They are paper fictions that pop into existence in Delaware at a random time. None of us would notice it if a bunch of them were opened by our opponents to act as honey-pots. (As of Monday, that’s legal for any President, btw.)

The other week I received a supposedly pro-Biden fundraising SMS that touted a 9x match. I was really tempted to give.

But then I googled how contribution matching works, and it turns out that it’s basically impossible to prove that any fund-matching actually occurs. So I guess I’m not convinced that “9x” match was real.

I expect a pro-Trump group to try to sap a bunch of blue dollars by doing this. Probably Trump is directly involved, since it’s illegal as hell and the Presidential immunity he expects to enjoy is strongest closest to himself. It’s just shady advertising and money-handling, which is 100% on-brand for the GOP and convicted felon Trump.


I am getting similar. Usually in twos. The first is for Colin Allred. Then one of the national groups shortly later. I have not been able to confirm if they are real or not. And damn annoying as well. I had the two step this morning.


Thanks a lot. Now, I can’t get the theme song out of my brain. YouTube to the rescue (and Steve Gadd on the drum line-kidding of course).


I gave to one candidate through Actblue. Now I get 8 to 10 text messages a day from every Dem candidate running for any office. Pisses me off. Even when you enter STOP, another request fro the same candidate comes by a different phone number


My post election stress in 2016 caused me to put my head down and work, not run around and shriek lies into the microphone and meet with nefarious types to falsify records.


I suspect they are up and up players. I never use the prompts for STOP or such. Tells them they have a live contact. Just like in email, do no take the unsubscribe in the email. If it is something you know, go to the web site directly.

On texts, I report as junk and delete.


Yes, I have also experienced postelection stress, though at the moment I’m fairly overwhelmed by preelection stress. But anyway, Rudy, I feel your pain.


The president of the Heritage Foundation is threatening violence already.

But number three, let me speak about the radical left. You and I have both been parts of faculties and faculty senates and understand that the left has taken over our institutions. The reason that they are apoplectic right now, the reason that so many anchors on MSNBC, for example, are losing their minds daily is because our side is winning.

And so I come full circle on this response and just want to encourage you with some substance that we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.



Colin Allred is real, and has a shot of beating Ted Cruz. If you haven’t donated to Colin Allred, do so immediately.

Don’t let a fishy ad stop you from helping Dems win. If you see a campaign message and it finally clicks for you that you want to support that candidate, do not let fear about a fishy message stop you from donating – just do it by opening a new browser and going directly to that candidate’s website to donate, instead of clicking on a link you don’t trust. Just, you know, get off your ass for more than a couple seconds to get it done safely! :slight_smile:

Do not let my warning stop anybody from donating to Dems. They need it desperately, or the election will be a bloodbath. It is seriously all-hands-on-deck, because the GOP and Federalist Society are coming for the kill this election.

On Monday, John Roberts invited Trump to steal the election exactly like he did in 2016.

Donate like you have never donated before, because if we lose, this will be the last election where we had a hope of keeping the oligarchy from political supremacy. Every future election will be a ruse, a honey-pot to vacuum up liberal dollars and enrich the aristocracy. Donate like it’s the last time you will ever be able to.

If you have time to read this website, you have time to donate.


I was discussing the spam I receive. Not whether Allred is real or not.

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May this weigh upon Rudy like an ocean liner is parked on his chestnuts!
Miserable Fucker! He knew exactly the magnitude of every falsehood he spoke and every lie he passed off as truth.

May he be fileted open and covered with
20 lbs of salt! and then encased in manure!