Barr Has Contorted A ‘Bedrock’ DOJ Policy To Massage Trump’s Ego | Talking Points Memo

Attorney General Bill Barr is playing with prosecutorial fire in his bid to give President Trump solace that someone, somewhere is doing something about his defeat in last week’s election, former Justice Department officials told TPM.

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The basic mantra of DOJ for decades has been, ‘don’t become the story

However, Trump’s mantra for decades has been try to become the story!


We really could have a lot of fun with this…


See new Tweets


Lin Wood



If you have any information relating to State of Georgia absentee ballots, please email me at For example, did you receive unsolicited ballots in mail? Did you receive more than one? Did you see any tampering with documents that reflected request signatures?

Do you think I should report the two giraffes and 5 racoons I saw voting???


Like everyone else in the Trump dictatorship, Bill Barr is completely shameless and irredeemable. His contemptible and slovenly kowtowing to Trump’s every demand is totally inconsistent with the duties and responsibilities of an Attorney General and on this basis alone, he deserves rebuke and disbarment.


I have read a few times that none of these guys believe that this election will be overturned and that what they are doing is making it easier for him to accept he lost and move on. FUCK THAT!


Has anyone actually seen Barr?


I hate to be a Debbie Downer here, but everyone will think this is all massaging Trump’s ego and responding with snarky Tweets until there are active military marching through our city streets and then it will be too late.

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Poor Billy was tired of the MAGATs protesting outside his house, so he destroyed another level of trust in our government to get them and Trump off his back. Pathetic beyond words. If he had any intention of actually doing anything, he would have had to go in and steal the ballots before the counting got finished.

At what point does the business community step in and tell them to stop fucking around before they destabilize everything? Trump isn’t staying in power peacefully.


The various SOS for PA, NV, AZ, MI, WI, GA all need to certify their votes ASAP. No holding up just because the DOJ is asking you questions. Unless there is a court order, do your jobs immediately upon the counts being done and protocols checked off.


I thought I saw the ghost of Boss Tweed lurking around a polling place.
Does that count?


Pushing up everyone else’s anger and/oranxiety level is a Hell of a price to pay for pacifying Mango Mussolini.

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Even bedrock has faults. Bill LowBarr is the San Andreas fault of bad lawyering.


Poor little Donnie Trump can’t take even the hint that he is a loooooser. And possibly for the first time he truly realizes that his father cannot buy him a win. That said, the sycophants around him and the officials in the GSA need to certify the election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and get on with the peaceful transfer of power without Trump’s little boy temper tantrums blocking the way!

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Actually, he’s kind of hard to miss.

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Recently? McConnell has.


Chamber of Commerce has done so.

Team Trump is pretending it can’t hear.


And you trust Horcrux McConnell’s honesty?

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Photo taken yesterday as Barr left McConnell’s office:


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Totally agree with these guys. This is totally not a big deal at all.

Yea, there is a risk that all these inflammatory statements by Republican politicians - about how massive fraud stole the election from Trump - will be taken seriously by the Republican electorate/Fox tv audience. That might cause the Republican electorate to demand that the voting results be overturned through whatever legal maneuvers possible, dubious or otherwise.

If successful, that might in turn cause massive and potentially violent country wide protests by the majority of the country that voted for Biden, which would in turn cause Trump to overreact and send in the unidentified militia, which could in turn lead to civil war.

No biggie…

Another small bit of concern is to what is going on now in Georgia, where the Republican Senate candidates in the runoff are insisting that the Republican secretary of state for Georgia, that guy that runs the elections for the state, to resign due to the massive voting fraud that purportedly occurred under his watch.

Going forward, that could motivate Republican politicians who manage the election process to ensure through whatever means possible (ie fraud) that the proper candidates win (ie Republicans) to ensure their political careers aren’t harmed when the voting results are announced.

Again, no biggie.

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Massive voting fraud in Georgia. Or as RepubliCONs call it. Allowing African-Americans to vote.