Assange Lawyer Claims Trump Offered ‘Win-Win’ Deal For A Pardon | Talking Points Memo

Agree. Under the Assange interpretation, you can steal anything you want and get away with it by claiming to be a journalist. It doesn’t -and never should- work that way.


The fact that Australia isn’t bothering to defend one of its own citizens says a lot.


I’m not clear on the “point” of this story?

WHY was this information presented to the court? What was the question this could answer? Maybe I’m just not following this closely enough.

Agreed. What Trump wanted was for the source to be obscured, not revealed.


And a servant to change the cat litter.

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I was thinking some enterprising person should make a list of all the people Trump “barely knows,” “doesn’t know,” or “may have seen once.” It’s getting to be a fairly long list. Latest addition: Olivia Troye, formerly of the WH COVID team.


I am appalled. Completely and utterly appalled.

In other words, they wanted him to claim it was Seth Rich, not the Russians.


I just see this as further proof that Jina is interfering in the 2020 election for Biden.


I thought Trump did not like dealing with (shaking hands with) “disgusting people.” Rohrabacher? Assange?

He’s fighting extradition. So a part of his argument is that the charges are bogus because they’re politically-motivated.

If he’s got evidence that he was offered a slick deal in exchange for his cooperation, that’s a strong piece of evidence in support of his argument that he’s essentially being punished for lack of cooperation with the bringing of charges.

Exactly the sort of thing that could end up with Britain sending him back home rather than the U.S.


That’s a question for the trial court, not a question about extraditing him. Fighting extradition is extremely difficult.


Assmange didn’t even properly care for his cat:

Moreno explained that Assange treated his hosts disrespectfully; late last year the embassy implemented a series of rules for Assange, including a requirement to be responsible for the “well-being, food, hygiene and proper care of your pet.” If Assange didn’t, the embassy threatened to put the cat in a shelter.

In other words, it is likely that Assange didn’t effectively clean up after his cat’s own wiki-leaks.

After Assange was picked up Thursday, people wondered what would become of Embassy Cat. “My sympathy to the cat,” author Charlie Stross tweeted. Assange's Cat Has Left The Ecuadorian Embassy : NPR


If trump gets re-elected, the brits just might let assange walk.

Doubt they’d entertain it under a Biden administration.

Well doesn’t that depend somewhat on who is in charge in Britain too? Right now the person at the top absolutely adores Trump.


Thank You, castor_troy. That makes sense to me…might have been nice to have that a little more evident in the story. :slight_smile:


Rohrbacher gonna be leading the chain gang, but sleeping on the bottom bunk, in the wet spot.

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Thank you. It helps when folks who know how things work fill in some blanks in my own knowledge about such things.

We don’t contest that these things were said.
But we state categorically that anything against our interests is totally untrue.
But we don’t contest that this offer was made to Mr. Assange.

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