As Republicans Wobble On Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal, Convenient Offramps Await

There were a few short, golden hours after the news broke that the White House and a bipartisan team of senators had come to an infrastructure framework agreement where the Republicans involved eagerly supported it.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Personally, I think Mitch McConnell should retire and take both of his faces and both of his chins and all of his bothsiderism and go back to Bumf_ckistan, aka Kentucky!!


Well then America Mitch is why we can’t have nice things. Maybe we all should let the people of KY know they we’re tired of being screwed by their congressman.


“I never underestimate McConnell; he’s a master of the dark arts,” Gold quipped.


This is so fucking tedious. Of course they’re going to pull their support. Now what, Manchin?


OT, but more good examples…

Fox is hyping this clown all day today…

Kenny Xu: Asian-American success disproves Critical Race Theory

Guess where his funding comes from…yeah…

And of course, another lie about “just some random lady who happens to be a mom whose background shall remain completely unspoken, whose connections shall not be mentioned and who we’re not going to tell you anything about why she might be on Fox News pushing this bullshit…”…

Jennifer Stefano is a Republican activist and the Vice President for Americans for Prosperity and Americans for Prosperity Foundation, a conservative organization that is the primary political group of the Koch brothers (Charles Koch and David Koch).She would eventually rise through the ranks of the Tea Party. Reflecting her rise in prominence in conservative circles, Stefano spoke at a panel in 2011 at CPAC, Washington’s biggest gathering of conservatives,[2] on a panel organized by the Tea Party Express, an organizing group founded by Republican consultants.[3][4] She became a frequent guest on Fox.[5] Stefano eventually became the Pennsylvania State Director for AFP.,[6] the principal political arm of the Koch brothers’ network.

But yeah, just a “Pennsylvania mother…”

This is why we’re losing. This is why we will lose. Truth never defeats the willingness to lie outright and so very very blatantly about EVERYTHING under the sun. Truth has no chance of winning, especially when the truth is that at least 2 of the people we need to be on truth’s side have most certainly been paid not to be.

The GQP has decided that rendering violence inevitable is the only answer because they are sure they can win this time.



Absolutely. Don’t give them any attention, walk away and put it all in the reconciliation package. That’s where we’re gonna wind up anyway.
Oh, I guess we have to wait until Manchin and Sinema are convinced the reactionaries were in bad faith, again. At least on this occasion, that is.


My question is, who cares if an infrastructure package is bipartisan or passes with just Democrat votes as part reconciliation. I mean does anyone remember the 3 Republicans in the house who supported Obama’s economic rescue package or do they just remember that to get those few Republicans, Obama gave up so much that the economic recovery took years longer causing Democrats to lose the House.

The only reason for a bipartisan deal is so Republicans can take credit for infrastructure and Democrats, especially Biden, can take credit for being bipartisan. Otherwise it makes no difference is there are two bills, one bipartisan and one through reconciliation versus one bill through reconciliation.

The only real difference I see is that it puts more pressure on Democrats reluctant to end the filibuster to end the filibuster and I think that is a good thing.

So here is hoping Moscow Mitch McConnell in his evil ways kills the bipartisan bill, the Senate passes one reconciliation package and the failure and waste of time of the whole bipartisan effort means all Democrats in the Senate finally agree it is time to end the filibuster so voting rights can be passed and democracy saved.


I assume it’s a matter of time until the right launches an official counter-CRT focusing on the “theory” that Europeans are responsible for all good things.


How the minority leader reacts to bumps along the road like the CBO scoring is sure to determine if many of his members will support the bill or not — and he has ample road left to identify the potholes he deems impassible and he has ample opportunities to manufacture “impassible” potholes.

It is journalistic malpractice to use language that implies that Mitch McConnell’s reasons are sincere, or that his pronouncements are based in fact.

If even TPM can’t get that right consistently, then other journalistic outlets have zero chance, and America is well and truly doomed.


I’m pretty sure that was the history classes you and I took in high school.

Oh, and the websites Stormfront and Daily Stormer.


I thought Republicans hate Europe.


I think you can make the case that “deems” does that work.


Oh, definitely. I just think some right winger will think to officially repackage it as a supposed reaction. They’d never realize CRT exists as a counter to what we already have – that would require understanding its basic premise. Just like how they can’t fathom that saying Black Lives Matter is necessary, not some claim of special privilege.


“Well, [big fake sad sigh], we tried. Guess it just wasn’t in the cards and it’s time to move on. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have my weekly phone conference with Exxon Mobile to get to…”


True. I think they only like European ancestry, just not all that fancy food and culture stuff that goes on now.


I’m just amused that there are people who still believe that Republicans will honor what they have agreed to.

This was always going to pass via reconciliation or not at all. The whole Democratic strategy was to get Manchin and Sinema so invested in the process that it would be a huge blow to their reputations if they passed nothing. Ergo, when McConnell successfully filibusters the bipartisan bill, Manchin and Sinema will be onboard for the full reconciliation route.


Now, like Weebles in suits, the returning Republicans are back to their wobbling ways.


TL/dr: One Asian American made good which means slavery doesn’t matter. A white lady who doesn’t know CRT from a hole in the ground is gonna pull her kids outta school (OMG!:rotating_light:), and Betsy DeVos is still looking for bears to fight off. Just another day in the StupidEvilVerse.


I’d like him to be glued naked to the bow of a ship bound for China.

But I don’t want to be difficult. Retirement will be okey-dokey.