As Elections Loom, Congressional Maps Challenged As Discriminatory Will Remain In Place

This article was originally published at ProPublica, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom.

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Right wing courts, including SCOTUS, are putting their hands in the scales to make it harder for Democrats to win both the House and state legislatures.

Quelle surprise, no?


If Rethugliklans can’t cheat, they can’t win.

Next up: Sun rises in the east.

Utilizing every possible lever of power. If this is Rich vs Poor, then it likely they know the rules so well because they wrote them.

Meanwhile, in Wisconsin -

Recall petitions for Robin Vos were rejected, amid claims of fraud and wrong district. There are new maps which take effect in November, but he was elected and is currently in a different district. Clarity was requested as to which district to obtain signatures. Moved to Wisconsin Supreme Court and they tossed it back to the Election commission.

“We decline to further clarify or amend the opinion and order,” the court said, referring to its December ruling.
It is the Wisconsin Elections Commission, not the Supreme Court, that has the responsibility to administer elections, the court said.

The Republican Party is an ongoing threat to all that is or could be good and decent in the world.

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Well old chums,whaddaya know…the courts are now doing it all with impunity…defeating laws to create defacto laws…crushing precedents in settled law…courting influence peddlers…getting "shopped " , interpreting laws as though they were first year law students…shameless support of a criminal madman…the fix has long been in…we’re standing here yelling and stamping our feet and…and…and…

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