That is neither how anything works, nor is it how anything should work. But by all means, feel free to continue contributing to your Gestapo spank bank.
They are all of these. Wrongfully, and knowingly, purloined. He is totally traitorous, and belongs in jail. It is the only way to make reasonably sure that he will never be able to profit from his larceny. And, We, The People need to recover everything that is missing, if at all possible. Furthermore, those found in possession of these documents should be investigated and prosecuted (if appropriate) too.
They are stolen documents, national defense information documents, and documents withheld from an investigation for purposes of obstructing it. According to the search warrant, anyway.
Classified documents missing, last seen in his stubby paws, game over.
I know that’s not enough, but for national security, it should be. Presumably some of the spies from the Five Eyes countries employed at Merde-a-lardo tipped off the DoJ last time for probable cause. Or maybe some of the USSS aren’t as in the bag as others and actually did their LEO job by reporting the docs.
How the ef are they not sure?
I assume everything is catalogued and signed out and that signee is responsible to return the items.
Am i missing something?
They don’t need PC. Classified Documents are tracked like no one’s biz. Those things CAN’T get lost or misplaced. There’s a tracking sheet on them that places them from location to location as well as an inventory “in and out” of their proper location. Look for whet went out but is not back in. It can be done.
I agree that aggressive tactics ( with partisan motives ) are not the solution. That will backfire and load Trump’s guns. NARA, FBI and the agencies promulgating the docs need to drop the turf wars and get this shit done.
Even if you presume that he still holds or controls them – which presumption will in no way amount to probable cause for a search warrant two years after the fact – you still need probable cause that they are at the location you’re seeking to search. There is nothing more than naked surmise that they might be at Bedminster or Trump Tower or Allen Weisselberg’s basement.
There could be a few scenarios where “unsure” would apply. For example while still President, Trump takes a document up to the WH residence, reads or fondles it, then tears it up and flushes it down the toilet. That document won’t appear in the inventory found at MAL, and NARA can’t know if he still has it or he destroyed it.
If he destroyed it while he was President, it would actually be legal (I think?). Nobody anticipated someone as bonkers as Trump becoming President, so the system is struggling with how to handle some of this.
Don’t jump the gun. They don’t need PC if they’re NOT going to search. My post didn’t say a thing about searching that fat ass’s crack. I said it was possible to prove docs missing WITHOUT a search if the agencies capable of doing so left the coffee pot and got to work. I’m sure docs are missing and Trump has them. First: prove the docs are gone. That’s the easy part. Tagging that on Trump is another matter and without an inside snitch…I doubt that can be done. The circumstances assure that Trump has them but the law does not allow one to advance on just circumstance. Trump wins. That battle. Just that battle so let him have it.