That’d be some trick.
New York Times subscription growth soars tenfold, adding 132,000, after...
Despite endorsing Clinton and enduring Trump's repeated criticisms, The New York Times' says paid subscriptions have soared since Election Day.
That’d be some trick.
…a dervish of delusion and distraction .
I guess people are noticing
How is the WaPo’s relentless “both sides-ism,” false equivalence and pandering to the right wing working out for them?
The fragmenting of the Religious Right is underway–a little reminder of what happened in the 1920s and will happen again when they come to power…
Quote from the linked article:
While talking with reporters, Beigel acknowledged that this bill would contradict the will of the voters but said that didn’t matter because voters made an “immoral” choice last month.
Reminds me of Brecht’s acid remark after the Red Army brutally crushed striking workers in East Berlin in 1953:
“The government says the people have lost their trust and must work to regain it. Wouldn’t it be simpler if the government were to dissolve the people and elect a new one?”
I think that their becoming Völkischer Beobachter on the Hudson is unlikely but I foresee no fulminating staff editorials. They will continue with their present business model and their subscription rates will increase as readers feel the need to go “zoo-visiting” the new “Trumpworld” .
The court awarded the Shaye and Ruby $148M because enough people believed Rudy that they harassed and threatened the women to the extent that they had to go into hiding. It is not at all surprising that they want him to stop.
I don’t think Rudy is all there mentally and I am pretty sure that has been true for quite a while. The problem with people who spew crazy lies all day long as their job is that it makes it really hard to say when they have crossed from mendacious to mentally incompetent. Not to mention it is hard to feel any sympathy for someone who is working so hard to be hateful. Add to that great wealth or great fame and you have the perfect recipe for people like Trump, Musk, Giuliani, Kanye…
But not meant to set a precedent, of course.
The court awarded the Shaye and Ruby $148M because enough people believed Rudy that they harassed and threatened the women to the extent that they had to go into hiding. It is not at all surprising that they want him to stop.
Rudy lost his mind over the fact that two black women checkmated him.
He can’t handle that.
They will continue with their present business model and their subscription rates will increase as readers feel the need to go “zoo-visiting” the new “Trumpworld”
According to this they are down 28% in 2023
Yeah, but I guess some people think they’d be happier being outraged at Trump than being disappointed in a Democrat. FAFO.
well, if Trumpf GETS in again, they won’t have to worry aout that stuff ever again; they will be relived of the hardship of voting-[won’t have to thnk about it] , they will plenty of time to think about what they are going to eat…where to live and how to care for their kids, if they get sick…their grandparents survived !!!
He might even be a maverick. Heaven knows this country loves a damn maverick.
“However, many of his forecasts have missed the mark1.”
Without consequences I’m sure.
Just keep on predicting catastrophe, year after year. Eventually, the markets will do what markets do – go down as well as up – and then you loudly claim vindication, confident that the journostenographers will write that up (good copy, filed on deadline) and ignore all the many times you predicted gloom and nothing happened.
This is not a victimless crime. Plenty of financially unsophisticated, in-the-Fox-bubble nitwits will have made poor investment decisions, bought into overpriced gold scams, stuffed their retirement nest egg under a mattress, etc. based on the constant drumbeat of economic DOOOOM.
Just another day in MAGA GriftLand.
ETA: The fact that the “printing money living beyond our means it’s all a house of cards ZOMG we’re all gonna die under a mountain of debt” narrative fits neatly in to the oligarchs’ goals of ever further reducing their already absurdly low share of the taxes they pay to keep our society functioning, well, that’s just a happy coincidence, isn’t it?
While talking with reporters, Beigel acknowledged that this bill would contradict the will of the voters but said that didn’t matter because voters made an “immoral” choice last month.
Why does my Spidey Sense tell me that there are some naughty skeletons in his closet?
I spent a lot of time thinking about that In These Times article. I keep coming back to backlash, and from the most bizarre sectors. It reminds me of the people who justified their votes for Ronald Reagan by saying “I didn’t leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left me.” I understand that some people are made uncomfortable by some of the topics raised by even considering that the LBGTQ community have feelings and rights that might need to be respected, but joining your opponents because you were made uncomfortable by your allies is not only foolish but suicidal. Of course the Right will welcome them, they’re propaganda coups, but they’ll never influence the behavior. They may not want to acknowledge the result, but they’re letting their discomfort embolden actual hate.
You can not prevent the subsequent redrawing of the lines on who “deserves” to be treated as fully human. To some extent it truly is “In for a penny, in for a pound.”
This fits The Kubrick stare, right?
I’m pretty certain that NYT subscriptions increased right after Trump was elected in 2016. Don’t know about WAPO.
Despite endorsing Clinton and enduring Trump's repeated criticisms, The New York Times' says paid subscriptions have soared since Election Day.
Zoo-visiting or just the “Times is a horrible newspaper and there’s not nearly enough of it”? Who can say?