Republican operatives who opposed President Donald Trump have launched a super PAC to shore up GOP votes for Trump’s Democratic rival, former Vice President Joe Biden.
Yes, I’ll vote for him, because armageddon is a poor alternative, but let’s not forget that Joe is a corporatist through and through and even if Dems take the Senate and beef up their House majority, he will still hold the line for multinationals, insurance companies, and banks.
And a Dem in the WH, no matter who it is, will remind the GOP that we have 3 branches of government, and that Congress can actually disagree with POTUS.
“We’re not trying to become Democrats,” the super PAC leader told Axios, asserting that he “would never” carry out the operation for Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), who were Biden’s progressive rivals in the Democratic primary.
" Biden has presented himself as a GOP-friendly choice, dodging when asked if he would veto a universal health care bill and even floating in earnest the possibility of choosing a Republican running mate."
Reads like a drive-by and shows you either took your opportunity to get some digs in or just lazily allowed Republicans to control your narrative.
To paraphrase Trump: The only good Republican is a dead Republican. This group will not shift more than a miserable few and that will not affect the election. The want Biden in so they can oppose him and tear him down. You can never trust a Republican, they are dishonest to the core.