Originally published at: Another House Republican Is Being Loud And Clear About Plans To Slash Medicare
Donald Trump has been publicly insistent for months about his supposed position on the social safety net programs Medicare and Social Security: he will not cut a dollar from their budgets. But that, of course, comes as his allies in Congress privately discuss offsetting the cost of extending his 2017 tax cuts with “reforms” targeting…
Do your worst! See how it helps your carreer!
So let’s tie the house and senate medical and benefits to our social and medicare programs. Either we all rise or no one rises.
The house and senate now buy their insurance from the exchanges.
Remember when Cruz was running (however briefly) for President? His wife had to take leave of absence from her very nice job, and Rafael discovered that health insurance costs money when your wife’s private employer is no longer paying.
If waste and fraud is cut maybe there would be no need to slash Medicare.
Of course slash is easy and causes pain and hopefully death.
Pruneface Reagan in 1983–Social Security full retirement changed from 65 to 67. Wins 49 States in 1984.
God’s Anointed King Trump–Pushes full retirement from 67 to 72. And the masses love him even more…
These asshats just don’t change, do they?
MO-4 is 83% White, Cook grades it as R + 24 on the PVI. Onliest potential problem is the 190K or so of MO-4’s 790K residents who are at least 65 years of age. That’s more than ¼ of your residents there, Markie Mark.
Please file under “loudest dogs live in the safest kennels.”
Let’s start looking for opposition candidate to primary him in 2026.
Hey, Charlie Brown- I will let you kick the football right after you vote for Trump.
Those who were given the increased age to 67 for SS retirement benefits were 23 in 1983 so the change was gradual. However, the idiotic notion to stop taxing social security benefits for billionaires while cutting SS benefits for the poor is just ludicrous nonsense.
Maybe R’s see this assault on the limited incomes of poor retirees as a winning approach but I have to say anyone who is earning less than $100k per year who voted R is pathologically limited in their capacity for political analysis.
Democrats need to start messaging against these cuts NOW. They should use fear & suffering. All young adults in 30s &40s should fear their parents coming to live with them as these cuts will mean they can’t afford to live on their own nor in assisted living as it’s too costly.
Run ads on “sandwich” generation, both child care &senior care in their home. Homes needing modification to accomodate walkers, wheelchairs, hospital beds.
Democrats need to own the message.
Apparently, Dems suck at messaging around Social Security given all the poor people who voted for Trump.
There is, of course, a very simple way to deal with a substantial part of the Social Security problem, which has been at least partly caused by raiding the raiding the Social Security Trust Fund - make all income subject to being taxed for Social Security by eliminating the regressive cap on the amount of income subject to that tax. Of course, the Republicans will not agree to that - their single task is to take money from the poor and give it to the rich in tax cuts and loopholes; taking money from the rich would be a mortal sin. All of their talk of “reform” to Social Security (and Medicare, and Medicaid, and CHIP, and the food stamp program within the Dept. of Agriculture, and so on) is just code for taking more away from the poor to partly pay for their added largesse toward the rich.
That’s because we don’t believe in using fear. Fear works. Fear mongering works. The ads should show suffering, seniors not healing, children chauffeuring seniors on walkers. The young adults going bankrupt due to cost of healthcare for their parents. Show the kids moving from suburbia to trailer park & still going bankrupt
Fear. Ad after ad, just relentless showing the economic burden of parents living with their kids due to cuts in Medicare & SS.
Absolutely true- Dems have been could have done this after Biden was elected in 2020 & before the midterms to save SS but chose not to.
Here’s a suggestion Rep. Alford… let everyone in the country have the same health care Members of the House and Senate get. That way you’d have zilch to whine about. And another thing while we’re at it. Keep. Yer. Grubby. Hands. Off. Social. Security. Mkay? Do not mess with my income… small as it is.
OMG OMG OMG Trump lied.
It had to be said. Procedural requirement.
Members of the House and Senate get the ACA if they are under 65 and Medicare if they are over. The bigger problem is that most of them are already wealthy and it really doesn’t matter to them what the health insurance and co-pays cost.
It seems pretty easy to me. If the Orange Asshole (and draft dodger) wants his tax cuts extended, all he has to do is remove the earnings cap on payroll taxes (Social Security and Medicare) and everyone leaves the table smiling. Otherwise, it won’t pass the Senate filibuster, and the Republicans can go pound sand. Just like the saying that a hangman’s noose centers the concentration, so does 2, 4, or 6 years of being primaried by your “MAGA base.”
Of course, I don’t for a second believe that the Dems have the iron in their respective spines to play real alley hardball!
Social Security exists because of FDR. It has lasted because Democrats have fought for it while Rs repeatedly have tried to privatize, defund, defame and fear monger about it. The same can be said for Medicare, Medicaid, ACA, Labor rights, ad nauseam.
Every program that helps Americans was brought to you by Democrats. It should be the basic brand. And the voters need to be reminded of it over and over again.
The only way to prove (honestly) that you are against Waste Fraud Abuse is to demand that Senator Rick Scott give back his ill-gotten gains ripped off from the government payments to his corporate schemes.