A Washington state lawmaker wore a yellow Star of David — a Holocaust-era symbol that Nazis forced onto Jews — while voicing his opposition to COVID-19 vaccinations during a speech last weekend.
I swear there are more asshats per capita in America then anywhere else in the world. They are coming out from under slimy rocks and rotting stumps. A bunch of them are headed to the border as I type.
Is it ignorance or is it blood libel? It doesn’t matter: in this context all motives are the same; irrelevent.
“Historians have a word for Germans who joined the Nazi Party, not because they hated Jews, but out of hope for restored patriotism. or a sense of economic anxiety, or a hope to preserve their religious values, or dislike for their opponents, or raw political opportunism, or convenience, or ignorance, or greed. That Word is Nazi! — Nobody cares about their motives anymore.” – A.R. Moxon
I am a Jew in a world still threatened by anti-Semitism. I am an Afghan, and I am a prisoner of the Gulag. I am a refugee in a crowded boat foundering off the coast of Vietnam. I am a Laotian, a Cambodian, a Cuban, and a Miskito Indian in Nicaragua. I, too, am a potential victim of totalitarianism.
Ronald Wilson Reagan, sponsor of the Contras, intellectual author of the murder of over 40,000 Nicaraguans, on May 5, 1985.
An asshat member of the Washington state legislature. Realistically, he is a lunatic fringe crackpot with less significance than the mayor of Altoona, PA.
It is interesting that this gas bag graduated from Amherst… wonder how he got in.
I think if you trotted around Europe in 1938 and asked Jews “you can go to the oven or wear a mask” the answer would be predictable. Co-opting the suffering and fear of the Jews in Northern Europe in those times with the petty and nonexistent oppression these clowns crow about is vulgar and defamatory. No one that does it is fit for or capable of public office.
Maybe, if we told these jerks that they were being “woke” with their Holocaust misappropriation, they would stop.
And really, seems like the Venn diagram showing the intersection of anti-mask/anti-vax Star-of-David wearers and Holocaust deniers is probably pretty large.
So if wearing a logo on your employee name tag to show your vaccination status is like wearing a star of David to show you’re Jewish in Nazi Germany, isn’t wearing an employee name tag to show that you’re an employee also like being a Jew in Nazi Germany? Isn’t having a driver’s license to show that you’ve passed the DMV test exactly like being Jewish in Nazi Germany? Aren’t kids wearing uniforms to Catholic school exactly like Jews in Nazi Germany? Isn’t wearing a ball cap with my favorite team’s logo exactly like being Jewish in Nazi Germany?
“In the current context, we’re all Jews,” says this dude. Sounds more like we’re all Jews pretty much in all contexts.