Another GOP Rep. Announces Retirement Ahead Of 2020 Election

i mean is this a great ending to another smoking hot infrastructure week or what?!

who can forget we started a whole week ago with the G7…

with Asswipe skipping out on the climate change portion of the show and saying he wanted to have next year’s G? at his club…the same club where he has to watch helplessly as Dorian greys his skies in south florida…

and to finish with yet another gop rep biting the dust…

there actually will be a Happy Hour this evening


In 2016 Shimkus (not Shinkus) won with 60% of the vote. That is the southeast side of Illinois, bordering Indiana and IIRC Kentucky. Cook rates the district R+21. So yeah, I think even given the impending rout of the R brand, they will probably replace him with a lonely R, who will get a lot of choice committee assignments, because he or she will be one of only 19 members of that Party to be elected to Congress.


So hard to figure out why so many are choosing next year to retire.:wink:


Well, party’s over. Time to put up with dad again.


Shouldn’t there be another 3 years add to the 8 since Obama had to deal with Hurricane Katrina, and that took up a lot of his time.:thinking:


I was going to argue with you since Shimkus gets reported on here in St. Louis, but that’s because IL-15th district juts into the white suburbs just East of East St. Louis.


All articles like this should include the D+ or R+ of the district.


We’re talking dog years, I assume?


“They say that President Shee from Ghina can be president for as long as he wants. As long as he wants. We need to be better than Ghina. They should let me be president forever. That’s how we Keep America Great, folks. Believe me. Believe me.”

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I consider him the “Downstate Asshole” and am glad he finally is leaving. Here is what he thinks about climate change: It’s plant food … So if we decrease the use of carbon dioxide, are we not taking away plant food from the atmosphere? … So all our good intentions could be for naught. In fact, we could be doing just the opposite of what the people who want to save the world are saying."

He didn’t have a challenger in 2016. A fairly weak Dem in 2018 got 29%. That said, his district just skirts around Champaign/Urbana- home of U of I, and I would love to see someone from that community run as a Dem. I’m sure some do live in this district. I hope they are organizing tonight!


Yup, they’re pretty much throwing the fight for the House.

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He’s yelling that the IG report implicates Comey, exonerates him and he should get an extra year back (which he’s said before).

I wish him the best of luck in getting those runs across.


I do think we should give him 2 additional years. Personally, I’d like to see them tacked on to 3 life terms and served non concurrently .


He thinks he can cheat at Presidenting the way he does at golf.

Pro tip for Donnie; Letting Putin interfere in our elections has consequences. So do the crimes you committed trying to cover that up.


Trust me: he’s a Grade A nitwit.

He has done no good for you whatsoever intentionally, and maybe even none by accident.


I guess the kids are saying just the opposite.

" I regret the times I have been away from the four of them"
And the four of them are probably saying we regret he’s going to be around the house again.


Old man yelling at clouds.

I hope he refuses to leave the White House when it’s time cause it will be sweet watching him get dragged out of there.


No candidates in either party. Nothing said and probably won’t until after his resignation mid to late Sept. That gives everyone time to get ducks in a row and find good candidates instead of the slacker we had.

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Only if the local Dems put up a great candidate. Give the locals a reason to vote D. Not having an incumbent R no longer gives a slam dunk.


Probably internal polling showing democrats willing to crawl over broken glass to vote against Trump and the GOP.