Ammon Bundy Pledges ‘Physical Defense’ For Those Who Defy Idaho’s COVID-19 Order | Talking Points Memo

Every time a moron dies an angel gets his wings.


Far-right radical separatist is how I would describe this man. I don’t favor the term “extremist,” because it’s the media’s lazy way of labeling a whole bunch of behaviors and political stances, from anti-social to pathological to left of center to “whatever you are, we don’t like that.”

In a sane country, Bundy would be in jail.


This gang is most certainly stupid but they also have an unhappy genius for being wrong about everything. Rule of law doesn’t mean you’re invited to follow the law but it’s optional, to spare your pride or something. You have to pay your taxes; you have to stop on red and go on green, on down the list. If the good of the society requires that you stay the fuck home, you stay the fuck home. But this is too challenging a concept for some folks.


Just skip ahead to the part where he and his rowdy friends are killed by the Federal agents they opened fire upon.


That’s what I don’t understand here. These guys are laboring under a fundamental misunderstanding of what their obligations vs. their freedoms are in a liberal democracy. (They don’t even know they live in a liberal democracy, or what the term means.) Now me, I never understood what the quadratic equation was about, or what it was good for. It hasn’t been a problem professionally or anything, so that’s fine. But I understand that this isn’t, in fact, a thing I understand, so I try not to put myself in situations where that lack of understanding can get me killed. These guys aren’t careful that way. And often enough it gets them killed. Bummer. : (


Bundy told the AP that he wasn’t opposed to social distancing in itself, but that he objected to the state forcing him to do so.

“I’m hungry, but because you told me I have to eat with a spoon, I am just going to starve.” Check back in with this moron when he needs a ventilator from his state.

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I was thinking that by now, some other cause of expiry would have terminated his existence…
but, if it has to be Covid-19… such is life.

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Yep, they have one of the highest per capita rates in the country outside of the sun valley ski area.


I wonder if their prepper kits include ventilators?

As Patrick Henry once said:
Give me malignant narcissism or give me death!


Well, you’d better hope you never run across an angry parabola in a dark alley then…


Booming Voice: Okay. Here ya go!


wait, wait I’ve changed my mind! take my wife and kids instead!!


These idiots are still living in 2016. Same shtick, same tired bullshit. It’s a whole other world outside the compound, fellas! You’re not even an anachronism, you’re a threat to yourselves and others.

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Eh. If idiots want to self select then more power to them. Like here in Floriduh, the latest stay at home order from Governor Trump Lite specifically states that churches are critical infrastructure and continued services are allowed. If they want to gather and get sick, let them.


"Anti-government extremist Ammon Bundy "

Mr. Shuman, I think you meant ‘thief, vandal and welfare ingrate Ammon Bundy’



This cowardly little poser will shit his pants and scream like a small child the moment any bullets start flying.

I hope, I really, REALLY, hope that he is stupid enough to fire on a US military force, and then he can find out what a Predator Drone can really do to his house (or a dumb-fuck-bunker.)

Morons. Your little pop-guns won’t be worth shit against the US military.


I am so sorry. That whole family makes my blood boil. It’s hard to be surrounded by those kinds of hostiles.


Given the immanent threat to public safety that this guy represents, the Feds would have done us all a favor if they had performed a David Koresh on him when they had the chance

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