You wouldn’t want the brownshirts, sorry redhats, to have to use a map would ya?
I got my vote by mail form today in NY! It will be hand delivered asap and this should be available to everyone in this country.
He took it for a few weeks. Then the MAGAts came calling and he folded like the rickety Walmart chair he is. He’s a spineless worm just like the modern Confederate Trumpvirus Party demands, with a more mellow exterior.
Wait, this is NOT an Onion headline?
It is a sort of vegetable.
In general, they are. But the Constitution says that Congress can change that.
" Time, place, and manner of holding. The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing [sic] Senators.
Standard BS two-step.
Claims “I really want to do X, but the law won’t allow it, so I prohibit it.”
Legal case ensues, and judge rules that not only is X allowed, it is required.
But continues to fight to prohibit X.
Like that Silicon Valley billionaire who tried to keep the public off of the public beaches in front of his seafront estate (all beaches are public in California up to the high water line).
He claimed that he really supported allowing the public on to its beaches, but that he was obligated to continue a court fight to prohibit it, and was hoping he might lose.
Positive aspects of global warming.
The Voting Rights Act is an example.
DeWine may have folded like a cheap Walmart chair, but I’m looking at the Governors of IA, NE, SD, and AR that didn’t even make out to the sales floor. Some of the residents of these states and their personal “freebdumb” convinced these governor “you’d better not try something”.
We Americans have a civic responsibility to exercise the right to vote for the person who’ll become president and then deny us the things we want. It’s our duty and right to pick the person who won’t do what we want. I’m voting for Joe Biden to be that president. Since neither Biden nor Trump will fight for Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, prison reform, banking reform, immigration reform, student debt forgiveness, and an end to perpetual war, then, by god, I want it to be Joe Biden who doesn’t do it. No way do I want some republican to not do it. Now, go vote, everyone!!
I believe that’s pronounced “BUCK-eye”.
I don’t know whether this sounds like something that might have come from a nine-year-old. I would suggest it comes from someone in a position of power who feels it’s appropriate to game the system to assist his party and who doesn’t expect to face any consequences.
It’s Tuesday, but Sunday’s coming. Just as sure as Autumn follows high Summer, 2022 is going to follow 2020. In 2022 Secretary LaRose will be called to account for himself and his actions.
I want him held to explain his actions in this election. He’s done everything in his power and some things not in his power (like restricting the use of drop-off boxes) to lend advantage to his party. We need to throw him out in 2022 so we can watch him bounce once on his fat ass.
I would love that, but Biden’s first years even if successful and the usual reflexive apathy plus state demographics don’t give me much hope. I also see the loathsome Portman cruising to reelection in 24.
In 2011 the voters of Ohio resoundingly shoved SB 5 back in John Kasich’s face.
All that needs to happen to defeat Portman, LaRose, and De Wine is to re-assemble that coalition. (I really believe DeWine is going to renege on his deal with Husted and run for re-election in 2022.)