The National Security Agency (NSA) is keeping it blunt with Fox New host Tucker Carlson, who’s been accusing the agency of spying on him in a conspiracy to get him kicked off the air.
“We made a very straightforward claim: NSA has read my private emails without my permission,” the Fox News host said. “Tonight’s statement from the NSA does not deny that and instead it comes with this non sequitur: Tucker Carlson has never been an intel target.”
In a hypothetical, @emptywheel pointed out that, had Tucker been in communication with a legitimate NSA target, I’ll use an FSB operative as an example, his e-mails to the target could have been swept up as part of that investigation.
Not, I suppose, that he’d wish to contextualize it in that way.
I actually think it is highly likely that the NSA has read his emails, not as a target, but as the recipient of communications from foreign targets. The thing about assets is that they often don’t realize they are an asset.