America Is In the Grip Of A Reign Of White Supremacist Terror

Agree and I expect “well-regulated” would have showed up their too… :wink:

It is unfortunate that Republicans position is that they can’t give one inch. Throw opening and closing proposition is loosening of the laws we have.

Auditioning for the NY Times?

That’s BS.

Simple universal background checks can’t get passed.

Sure there are superlatives, but no elected Democrat would turn their nose up at even the smallest progress if it was doable.

Even then the democrats that call for full bans are just balancing out the Republican opening bid of everyone being armed…

98% of those would support any progress and likely privately admit a more reasoned stance is theire true stance.

The other 2% probably know a kid that’s been shot. Their position is understandable


Your poor mother.


Shoulders are too narrow, legs too long, not enough HGH use evident.

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This is all Republicans’ stance.

Everyone who votes republican is apparently OK with that.

As such, there is no decent Republican. Calling themselves a republican demonstrates their unforgivable moral stance.


It’s not, though. The vast majority of the gun control lobby refuses to move past the guns part of the problem. They act like it all comes down to banning the weapons themselves, as if Columbine (you know, the first big school shooting?) didn’t happen during the height of the 1994 AWB, or VA Tech (the deadliest) wasn’t performed with handguns that nobody has been talking about banning.

Gun violence is a symptom, and whenever the issue comes up, democratic politicians focus on the tools chosen for the violence, not the causes behind it. You wanna fix the problem, you gotta fix those causes. Otherwise… you’re just running dialysis. You might alleviate the symptoms for now, but eventually you’re still gonna hit complete renal failure and die.


Republicans are trying to turn granny on their no good millennial grandkids.

I fear this could work on the olds


It’s not. Biden just in January had the ATF reclassify pistol braces attached to pistols as Short-Barreled Rifles in January via rule-making, not even via law. A piece of equipment that has been around since the mid-00s and ruled multiple times by the ATF previously as not converting pistols into rifles. Somewhere between 10-40 million in circulation, nobody knows the exact number.

That’s the required registration step, and Biden’s also out there having announced intentions to ban AR-15s entirely, which of course is made easier if you have a registration from every law-abiding citizen who followed your new rule.

The other side is not unjustified in their positions about bans-- the words are literally coming from the Leader of the Dems.

As such, absolutely they’re digging into their side of the trenches and insisting on “nothing” as the solution. Because evidence is bearing out that if the anti-gun folks get a finger, they’re going to take the arm.

Incredibly well said!

Darr, you’re a reasonable person who has experienced a life changing incident and see past the nose on your face. You see the consequences of actions.

Deep bow –

:pray:t3: :pray:t3:


Which, you know, didn’t go so well. Just this month:

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Going to end up like the bump stocks, also done via rule and ultimately nixed.

How not to make progress but annoy a lot of people along the way.

Now if Vivek can nail down endorsements from Sam Bankman-Fried and Ghislaine Maxwell that will be a trifecta.


Given that the “symptom” is a dozen children murdered in school each year, yes, we should alleviate the symptoms for now because that is an unalloyed good.

We might then also get to discard all the active shooter drills and other traumatizing or expensive distractions from schools’ education mission that we currently lean on to mitigate the consequences of universal access to the best killing tools.

“Sorry your kids were shot to death, but we weren’t quite done putting the finishing touches on our Platonic Ideal Gun Law” is a bad position to be in.

And we can obviously pursue the Platonic Ideal Gun Law at the same time as we’re cutting off access to the deadliest killing tools. This is not an either/or problem.


They want their idiot base to engage in the street fight while they stand on the sidelines wringing their hands and shouting “Oh, dear, you weren’t supposed to take me literally. This isn’t my fault. You’re trying to incite violence against me! The left is trying to kill me! Please send money!”

Good God, I either hadn’t heard about that incident or pushed it out of my memory until today when I read about it in his obituary. What an awful, evil POS. For those who don’t know, he sent letters to the parents of children who were killed in a mass shooting basically telling them that his gun rights were more important than their children’s lives.


This is not a full ban on anything.

Also not a full gun ban. Just one style being used to kill a lot of people. Just as they did w/ Tommy guns and auto weapons. And that will be for future sales.

This is the reasoned type compromises. If there was honest participation from Republicans things would look different.


Do you know that over 3,000 children in America die from gun violence annually? Almost all with handguns in and around private homes. Uvalde was just over 2 fucking days’ worth of dead children in America from gun violence.

But there ain’t no serious politician in America on either side proposing to ban anyone’s Glocks.

Why is that?

As noted above, the entire category of “rifles”, including assault rifles, makes up 3% of murders. Oddly, the humble handgun, making up 60% all on its own, has no champions for banning it.

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Yeah, let’s hope both he and the bully get their comeuppance soon.


It really was cruel for us to drag this hapless, good-natured recluse out of his small business tranquility and thrust him into the merciless spotlight of public life. All he ever wanted was to be left alone to tea-bag murdered children in their parents’ mailboxes.


Unless I’m badly mistaken (not unlikely), a number of the presidential candidates of smaller parties do not appear on the ballots of some states due to ballot eligibility requirements, so there do seem to be hurdles (filing requirements? Fees? Signatures??) that some are unable to fulfill. I.e., just because you declare yourself a candidate for POTUS you are not automatically guaranteed a spot on the ballot.

IANAL, but it seems to me that requiring copies of a few years of tax returns (which we are all legally required to file) is some sort of undue burden. And this is a requirement whether you are running as dog catcher or POTUS.


To be fair, that just makes it a typical Republican voter, with just a bit more initiative, they all believe the same thing.

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Cowardice maybe?