America Is In the Grip Of A Reign Of White Supremacist Terror

A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version.

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Yikes! Terror!
Trump 2.0 (that right there is scary)

And just cuz we need a good critter picture…



America Is In The Grip Of Reign Of White Supremacist Terror

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.



When I am on a thread where there is an obvious pro-NRA troll or unrestricted guns rights advocate, whenever possible I ask them to justify why civilians should be able to own an AR-15. I have never gotten an answer…


Todd and Richland vying for “male” supremacy.


Busted: Miami newspaper cracks the ‘real story’ on DeSantis’ abortion tale -

I know a lady in Florida named Penny," DeSantis said. “She survived multiple abortion attempts. She was left discarded in a pan. Fortunately, her grandmother saved her and brought her to another hospital.”

Miami Herald reports:

Penny is real and her last name is Hopper. But DeSantis failed to note key details from her remarkable story: The person who tried to end Penny’s life in the womb was not a doctor or even an illegal abortion provider — it was her father. And his effort to abort his daughter with a coat hanger took place almost two decades before the Supreme Court’s seismic Roe v. Wade decision, which established a woman’s right to an abortion.


Florida Gov. Ron Desantis booed at vigil as hundreds mourn more racist killings (
Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis — who is running for the GOP nomination for president, who has loosened gun laws in Florida and who has antagonized civil rights leaders by deriding “wokeness " — was loudly booed as he addressed the vigil.


There’s a thought wriggling around in my brain, but it won’t come out right now.

Of course. The warrigal greens. What could she have been thinking?

The patient resides near a lake area inhabited by carpet pythons. Despite no direct snake contact, she often collected native grasses, including warrigal greens, from around the lake to use in cooking, Senanayake said.
The doctors and scientists involved in her case hypothesise that a python may have shed the parasite via its faeces into the grass. They believe the patient was probably infected with the parasite directly from touching the native grass or after eating the greens.

Infectious diseases physician Prof Peter Collignon, who was not involved in the patient’s case, said some cases of zoonotic diseases may never be diagnosed if they are rare and physicians don’t know what to look for.
“Sometimes, people die with the cause never being found,” he said.
“It’s worth taking care when encountering animals and the environment, by washing foods thoroughly and cooking food properly, and wearing protection like long sleeves so you don’t get bitten,” he said.

Great safety tip there Doc, especially the bit about the sleeves. Ya getting this @darrtown , long sleeves only and Cristamitey stay away from the warrigal greens!


LIEberman is hell bent on putting Trump back in the White House.


Waiting for Judge Chutkin’s decision.


At yesterday’s Ronald DeSantis press conference yesterday, he and Casey were mad at having to be there, and of course it didn’t help with the hecklers. The Daily Beast has this story on why Ronald fired State Attorney Monique Worrell. She was investigating crooked cops in her district. Plus, there is this paragraph:

Larry Keefe, whose chummy relationship with congressman Matt Gaetz helped him land the U.S. Attorney spot in Florida’s panhandle under President Donald Trump, left the Department of Justice and became DeSantis’ legal commando whose job it was to punish undocumented migrants seeking shelter in the United States. But his less explored role has been to coordinate the purely political and unceremonious removal of local prosecutors—aggressive operations that seek to embarrass Democrats all in the name of public safety.

That was a fascinating story to read first thing in the morning. I’m glad the woman is doing okay.


Trump Legal Spokesperson Undercuts 1 Of His Defenses, Live On Fox News (

“Yeah. If it was a normal person, honestly, Shannon, I could understand the concern. President Trump is not your average person,” Habba replied. “He’s incredibly intelligent and he knows the ropes. He also knows the facts because he lived them.”

“What is going to have to be prepped for? The truth?” Habba added. ”You don’t have to prep much when you’ve done nothing wrong, so that I’m not concerned with.”


See new Tweets


Mueller, She Wrote


She just destroyed his “we need years to prep for trial” argument hahaha

Aaron Rupar


lol Trump’s legal defense is going to be a dumpster fire inside a clown car on a derailing train

So I guess he wants a speedy trial if he doesn’t have to prep much, right? Right?!


US Supreme Court justices ‘facilitated’ racially motivated Florida shooting: law professor


OMG, zombies. You actually think a damned pistol or hunting rifle is going to fend off the zombies?


I appreciate the beginnings of reporting reality, instead of trying to make nice with the managers of the perpetrators.

I am now at the farm in CT, permanently. Dear Hubby will follow in a few months, once he has sold the WI house and can transfer his Red Cross job - hoping by November.

Max travelled well, with the exception of a motion sickness incident each day. Tough night last night, as she didn’t have the opportunity to really settle in before nightfall. She is draped across my lap, passed out, during a client meeting.


Thank god, though, for Jacksonville’s Black police chief, who went out of his way to call this what it is. “He targeted a certain group of people, and that’s Black people,” Jacksonville Sheriff T.K. Waters said in a Saturday news conference.

The most glaring thing that I noticed about Governor DeSantis is that while he at least stated that the murders were racially motivated, he couldn’t bring himself to speak the words ‘Black’, ‘African American’, or 'White Supremacist". I guess because he essentially banned those words in Florida.


Our nation’s Civil War never ended. We need to face that and deal with it.


Oliver Anthony knew how to get some single sales repeating Fox talking points. Not that many album sales in the old-man-shouting-at-cloud demo.


It’ll be the next big thing out of Florida - wait for it.