Amash: ‘High Level’ GOPers Thanked Me For Impeachment Talk

Hey Justin.

First rule of Flight Club.

Nobody talks about Flight Club.

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Becoming an Independent was a positive act. Not sure becoming a Democrat is workable for Amash. Respecting his colleague’s confidences suggests he is an adult, maybe a person of some basic integrity. Other than damaging his own reputation and causing noise in a news cycle, what do you imagine his telling these names would accomplish?


Amash’s statements are entirely consistent with reports going back to before the nomination that a large number of GOP members of Congress are anonymously appalled by Trump and know he’s a disaster for the country and their party. But they’re not going to come forward any time soon for the same reasons they haven’t come forward all this time. : ( As always, it’s up to us to save them from their own cowardly selves.


And stupid hair…

Amash is right on this. Trump is weak. The political system hasn’t recognized that but he is in fact weak. Punch through the dam and the whole thing will collapse.


You know, I hear that quite a number of Gauleiters are privately saying to each other that der Führer’s inept leadership is going to cause Germany to lose the war.

I suspect so, also. I can understand why any cowardly Republicans frightened about exposure would want him to keep mum, but I don’t believe Amash until another one of them outs him/herself.

Come on, name and shame, or it didn’t happen!

And this is a frustrating thing for all of us.

I also believe that a good part of even entertaining the idea of Trump being on the Ballot on November 2020 is ritualistic procedure that our political system demands.

Profiles in courage. Or not.

He gets that; it’s just that his calculus is more “do the right thing, regardless” than political.

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Of course, the reason he was thanked was NOT because impeachment is the right thing to do, it’s because “high-level” GOP leaders think it will help Drumpf get elected if he’s seen as a victim of yet another witch hunt. The GOP is moral-free.

IMO best to wait until bbq season is finished then the enquiry all over tv (except Faux) every day.


His Canadian girlfriend is on the team as well.

I very much doubt that’s what he’s saying

Who are these worthless cowards of which he speaks? Such morals! Such conviction!

Impeachment inquiries will begin when Congress gets back from its month-long August recess, also after the majority of Americans who are now opposed to it have heard Mueller’s testimony. Amash is becoming a pariah, and he wants the Democratic party to regard Pelosi in the same way. Don’t let it happen.



“And I think that is a problem for our country. It is a problem for the Republican Party. It is a problem for the Democratic Party when people aren’t allowed to speak out.”

Amash oozes false equivalence. He still can’t admit that there is precisely one party responsible for the mess that is Trump. The GOP.

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