Allen West, the Republican contender for Texas’ governorship and former party chair, was hospitalized with COVID Saturday night.
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Allen West, the Republican contender for Texas’ governorship and former party chair, was hospitalized with COVID Saturday night.
That’s precious.
Why doesn’t this guy take one for the Q-Anon team and croaks?
A sample of a couple of tweets in response to West (I’ll find the links if I can)
The 2 main anti-vaxx objections you hear are: it’s too new/experimental & distrust of money grubbing Pharma. The antibody infusion is newer & more experimental AND makes Pharma a lot more money. So WTF?
On one hand, a $2000 bag of antibodies produced by cells with recombinant DNA in a Regeneron bioreactor in Rensselaer, NY.
OTOH, antibodies produced by your own cells based on mRNA instructions contained in a couple of $20 shots made in a Pfizer facility in Andover, MA.
Both treatments are tested on cloned fetal cell tissue so they have that in common otherwise.
ETA: Links are and respectively.
OT. Fake gifts from our fake friends to our fake president.
Bless his Covid-ridden heart…
If Allen West is opposed to vaccines, vaccine and masking mandates and “big pharma” then why is he ok with some of the best hospital care in the state?
I hope he stays positive
Nobody loves the anti-vaxers like Big Pharma. With the possible exception of Big Undertakers.
Because he is for Government handouts for me but not for thee.
As the Repug primary for Texas Governor will be about who is the most deplorable, I for one hope West defeats Abbot.
Give me liberty oxygen or give me death!
Allen West Hospitalized With COVID
I’m never going to doubt the power of prayer again.
“Instead of enriching the pockets of Big Pharma and corrupt bureaucrats and politicians, we should be advocating the monoclonal antibody infusion therapy.”
So we should stop enriching Big Pharma by (checks notes) taking a $2000+ treatment made by Big Pharma.
I feel like Allen West is creating these statements mad libs-style
I hope West isn’t opposed to all vaccines since he’s clearly in need of a rabies booster.
West is as crazy as crazy gets while still sounding rational enough for anyone to pay attention.
Herman Cain says hi!
And “C’mon down!”
The Biden administration last month announced a deal to purchase 1.4 million additional monoclonal antibody doses from Regeneron for $2.9 billion, or $2,100 per dose. Vaccines, on the other hand, cost the government around $20 per dose.
Health Question: Is it better to prevent getting COVID-19 with a vaccine or to get COVID-19 and take up hospital space better used for those with other illnesses and injuries and have the risk of permanent debilitating conditions or death?
West: “Get the virus and go to the hospital.”
Math Question: Which costs more and provides more profit to Big Pharma - a $20/dose vaccine or a $2100/treatment monoclonal antibody?
West: “Easy. The vaccine costs more.”
Dumbass (ETA: which makes him a viable Republican candidate - which is, after all, what he’s trying for).
I’m reserving judgment until we find out whether or not he survives.