‘All Eyes Will Be On New York’: City Begins Reopening After Months Of Lockdown | Talking Points Memo

NEW YORK (AP) — After three bleak months, New York, the corner of the U.S. hit hardest by the coronavirus, gradually began reopening Monday in what was seen as a landmark moment in the crisis and a test of the city’s discipline.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1313230

Hope for the best.
Prepare for the worst.
“Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life”


Europe is a more socially disciplined society than the US, citizens are more inclined to do as they’re advised, but perhaps a recurrence of a spike can be avoided in NYC too.

Many disease experts say enduring behavioral changes, from hand-washing to mask-wearing, could by themselves be substantially limiting the spread in Europe. They say the continued ban of large-scale events is probably capping the damage wrought by highly contagious people — the “super-spreaders” who account for much of the transmission.

They also say there’s growing evidence that the virus could be proving seasonal — ebbing based on the temperature or other climactic conditions. Though warmer weather doesn’t stop the virus, it can aid in the fight.

It’s almost winter in the southern hemisphere now so perhaps observations of infection patterns in south temperate countries can yield more insight.

Europeans, heeding warnings that the virus is more transmissible indoors, have adapted their lives accordingly — something easier to do in warmer months. In Rome, the parks and alfresco restaurant tablesare full; the tables indoors are empty.

It’s also thought now that the virus is less likely to spread in the outdoors, even in crowds.


I was out walking in my own little hamlet last night, where the governor recently changed our status from “red” to “yellow,” meaning most public places can open now, presumably with safety measures in place. All I know is I saw people dining outdoors and inside too. Saw no masks. The attitude seems to be I played along with the gag for a couple months and didn’t get sick, and now I’m going to figure it’s all clear. Infections had in fact been declining statewide. We’ll see if that continues or not.


Yes. Because NYC is all that matters. Just ask any journalist that lives there.


My county in Central PA went “green” as of Friday. I went to a restaurant to pick up take-out for my mother and me, and I saw people dining inside. They were sitting very close together without masks. I kept my mask on.

I’m also still working from home every other day. When I do go into work, the workforce is still sparse and widely separated, and we all wear masks. Our CEO is taking no chances.


I always thought that the argument over wearing a face mask didn’t take into account that wearing it reminds the wearer to keep their distance. It’s a tangible reminder to reinforce a new habit.


Your CEO is smart, and so are you. Familiarity does breed contempt, but the bug doesn’t care that you don’t care. If I can lower the chances I finish out my days drowning in my own blood, I’ll do the extra steps.


To be fair, the tristate area was contributing the lion’s share of the nation’s cases for quite some time.


Snark/or no snark? NYC matters because of population density. The virus proved that old saying about NYC, “If I can make it here, I can make it anywhere”.
If relaxing social distancing doesn’t work in NYC then what other major city will it not work in while we wait for a vaccine?


Yes, and Sandy was clearly a much worse storm that Michael. Because, hey…population density.

Florida has had the highest 4 day increase since we started tracking. My county has doubled the number of cases.

And that’s with Destanis suppressing the numbers.


Arizona’s doing poorly also. Ducey is basically “Dry Heat DeSantis”. The bottom line is caution.

A tale of two worlds. On the one hand, the epidemiologists I read who are being careful. On the other hand many of my neighbors who act like the pandemic is over.

I’ll follow the advice of the experts.



Yet TPM (and many other NYC based journalists) aren’t talking or covering that. Instead, they are running a headline talking about NYC is reopening.

I am also reminded that as soon as the curve started flattening in NYC, Josh start opining about getting everyone infected to develop herd immunity.

Its a reflexive attitude, and it needs to be pointed out.


I take it Jennifer Peltz is based in New York City and has an irrational notion of how the rest of America looks at NYC.

My state is deep into reopening. it isn’t going well here in Florida despite all the lying coming from DeSantis’ office. I understand Utah is in deep shit as are Arizona, Mississippi and Alabama. This article makes you think the Pandemic wicked witch is dead.


Friends of mine in Denmark say the country is legit perplexed and more than a little worried about the lack of uptick they’ve been experiencing… like they expect it all to come crashing down in one massive, sudden wave of death.

Europe isn’t being ‘disciplined’, from what they’re saying… it’s traumatized, still in shock. And I don’t blame them.

Later this week, I’m going out on another supply run. I’ll be extremely interested to see what the post-reopening setup at the Costco-style stores is.

Or, you know, because as the epicenter and worst-hit part of the country, with more cases in the NYC Metro area (Downstate NY, NJ, CT) than most of Europe, and a significant chunk of the economic damage from the responding shutdown, understanding how NYC reopens and what troubles we run into as we do might be important to, you know, not having people end up dead in the rest of the country.


I read it more as ‘obviously, in places where the State government hasn’t responded well and hasn’t locked down, things are not going to go well. But let’s take a look at whether the one area that has had absolutely horrific numbers and managed to bring them down, can in fact re-open successfully and safely, or if we’re all turbofucked.’

But, you know, I say that as a New Yorker who’s pretty sure we’re all turbofucked.


Cumberland County PA goes green Friday.
My barbershop called around noon to schedule my shearing.


That’s uncalled for. And inept too. Don’t you think there are lessons for the rest of the country in what happens here now?

@arrendis You said the quiet part out loud. Everyone I know fears we’re all turbofucked.


Yeah, well, hope for the best, plan for the worst, eh?


Dry Heat DeSantis, yes! Then my brain went right to Dry Hump Trump and I’ve kind of had a day today. Here we are pretending the virus is over even as the hospital beds are at capacity for the first time.

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