Alabama Governor Delays Sessions-Tuberville Runoff Election

Republicans will have to wait to rally behind a challenger to Sen. Doug Jones (D-AL), as Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey (R) pushed the March 31 Republican primary runoff election to July 14 amid the coronavirus outbreak.

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O/T Talk about a terrified senator

Well, Meemaw is steamin’ mad she has to wait to vote for President Trump’s pick, since she’s got a bug up her a*s about the traitor elf. We’re just hopin’ she lives long enough to do it.

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Yes, please, let’s have more time for the de facto head of the Republican party publicly disparage and insult a candidate he personally picked for a cabinet role, then realized was a huge mistake.

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Tuberville is 65. Sessions is 73. So sure, give them both more time to get sick.


Just talking out of my ass here,as usual . . .

I wonder if this delay doesn’t potentially give Sessions an advantage. He’d be able to speak with some authority about what could/should be done about the virus by virtue of his having served in the Senate and (however briefly) as AG . . . and have all that sycophantically match up with the stuff Trump (finally) has the administration doing. Tuberville has zero background in the nuts and bolts of legislation and administration; he’s made it this far only because Alabamians’ football historical memory is long. He’d not be able to speak with anything like personal knowledge.

Of course, Trump’s endorsement of Tuberville may cancel all that out, too.

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Great! This gives Jones more opportunities to show what a Democratic Senator can do for Alabama.


pushed the March 31 Republican primary runoff election to July 14 amid the coronavirus outbreak.

Just in time for the second spike of coronavirus infections. Or maybe, just maybe, enough time to do something very radical like, ya know, setting up for voting by mail?

Bingo. No way the republicans are happy to have the primary hanging out there like this. Only helps Jones.


Yes–this is the corollary to my comment above. Sessions may know something of the ins and outs of governing, but he’s not there now.


Does Jones have a shot (it would take a monster African American effort)?

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Yes, he does—especially if Stacey Abrams is Biden’s VP choice.

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The states we HAVE to have (GA,FL, NC, PA, MI, WI, OH) all have substantial urban areas**
in which Abrams may be helpful. Some have several.

**Atlanta, Miami, Charlotte, Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, Cleveland

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Abrams could deliver a win in Georgia, and up the vote in other places.

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