Alabama GOP Leader Says He Wants More COVID-19 Cases In Order To Build ‘Immunity’

Keep them talking.

In fact get microphones out to all the state legislators to get them on record. Their ignorance of facts, and of what people need and want and expect of them, really can be exposed here.


Sen. Marsh: “Too bad about all those people that die. And the ones that live with permanent disability. And the ones who go bankrupt from hospitalization. Oh, and the ones who die not of COVID-19 but because the ICU was full when they needed it. That’s the way it goes. Got to make sure 25 year olds can go to the bars in Gulf Shores and drink margaritas. Someone has to take one for the team. Might as well be you.”


“Infected is healthy”, said the Senator.

Furthermore, ignorance is strength and freedom is slavery.


*note The Dunnng-Kruger Effect was, “Coined in 1999 by then-Cornell psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger , the eponymous Dunning - Kruger Effect is a cognitive bias whereby people who are incompetent at something are unable to recognize their own incompetence.”


He’s going to get more cases. That’s a guarantee.
This article --filled with stats-- puts Alabama’s covid status at “critical,” the highest of four levels.
– not enough testing
– inadequate contact tracing
– ICU beds now at 82pct capacity
– high transmission rate


“We want to kill some people in order to save some people.”


Not just zero capability for now as well as far into the future they will be looking for additional Federal handouts so those states, usually blue, will once again bail them out. Then you have to understand that as scientists learn more they are finding that any immunity is very short lived. Believe I have read immunity is somewhere in the 2 month neighborhood. So that means all the herd immunity that happens will mean another hotspot and another and another ad Infinitum.

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Hey Donnie!



“…we start reaching an immunity if more other people have it and get through it…”


My understanding is herd immunity kicks in at around 60%, so, if my high school math teacher Mr. Firm (really) is correct, that comes to something just south of two hundred million active cases which at our current mortality rate of about 9% means 18 million dead Americans. Sounds like a winning strategy to me. Of course this is predicated on our health care system being able to keep that mortality rate at it’s current level (9%). Likely with two hundred million active cases our health care system would be effectively destroyed taking that 9% figure with it. The depth of GOP stupidity is…well there is no bottom.



Without explicitly naming any countries or politicians, Merkel pointed to cautionary examples elsewhere.

“We are seeing at the moment that the pandemic can’t be fought with lies and disinformation, and neither can it be with hatred and agitation,” she said.

“Fact-denying populism is being shown its limits,” she added to applause. “In a democracy, facts and transparency are needed. That distinguishes Europe, and Germany will stand up for it during its presidency."


So Senator, why don’t you set the example, organize a family reunion with grandma and all, invite your neighbors and a couple Covid-19 positive patients for them to hug and kiss.


He should hang a yuge confederate flag from the building, that will teach those antifa vandals…


I thought he’d learned everything from imminent scientists Mark Grenon and Jim Bakker. And for “safety’s sake” he owns cases and cases of MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) and Silver Solution.


Waking up might not help.



“In fact, quite honestly, I want to see more people [test positive] because we start reaching an immunity if more people have it and get through it,” he said.

Volunteer on Aisle 9! Volunteer on Aisle 9! Someone please be so kind as to assist Del Marsh up to the inoculation stand. He wants to have COVID-19. Please oblige him.

“Fucking ignoramus” doesn’t even begin to describe this goddamn fool.


Because herd immunity has been so successful with similar diseases like the flu and the common cold. Just because they can use herd immunity in a sentence doesn’t mean they have a clue as to which it means or its ramifications.

Reminds of the class Dorothy Parker line. When asked to use horticulture in a sentence replied “you can lead a horticulture but you can’t make her think”


Someone should use the Ludovico technique on this man, showing him how Sweden has progressed thus far.

LONDON — Ever since the coronavirus emerged in Europe, Sweden has captured international attention by conducting an unorthodox, open-air experiment. It has allowed the world to examine what happens in a pandemic when a government allows life to carry on largely unhindered.

This is what has happened: Not only have thousands more people died than in neighboring countries that imposed lockdowns, but Sweden’s economy has fared little better.

“They literally gained nothing,” said Jacob F. Kirkegaard, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington. “It’s a self-inflicted wound, and they have no economic gains.”


And that’s the thing with stupid people, their stupidity prevents them from knowing that they’re stupid. Same thing with crazy people. Throw in greedy, selfish, sexist and racist assholes and you have most of the GOP, idiots, lunatics and assholes. These morons say the most idiotic things, like how it’s ok to not wear a mask outside because it’s outside, or how so long as you carry a mask, you’re protected even if it doesn’t cover your face. These people have developed a subculture where you can be stupid, crazy and evil as shit and still do ok. How do we “cancel” THAT?


More proof that the Party of Trump is a Death Cult.

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