Originally published at: Aileen Cannon Muddles Her Way To A Partial Decision On Jack Smith’s Report - TPM – Talking Points Memo
Judge Aileen Cannon for the Southern District of Florida stepped back on Monday from an earlier ruling that purported to block part of ex-Special Counsel Jack Smith’s report from being released, while reasserting her claim to have blocked the rest of it. In the Monday ruling, she said that the remaining special counsel prosecutors and…
I still don’t see how she has jurisdiction over this case any longer. Thank you for writing “purported” throughout the story in reference to her authority.
Also take heed of her footnote where she practically accuses the DOJ of lying in reference to whether there is any overlap between the parts of the reports dealing with the Insurrection vs. the parts dealing with the stolen documents. She wants “complete … completeness.” Sheesh!
Keep licking that boot, Aileen. You’ll get your lifetime prize yet.
How does she have any standing in this report? I’m utterly flummoxed by anyone paid any attention to her “order” in the first place. Good Grief.
I’m so confused with the snarl of corruption. I thought the 11th had cleared the way for release of vol 1 on the 12th. Just leaving time for scotus to step in. Which they didn’t (did I miss something, taking a mental health weekend?).
Seldom have so few done so much to ensure the world conforms to the wishes of one purported man.
Per Steve Vladeck and yes it is confusing but there were more filings in Cannon’s court over the weekend after the 11th C. decision.
What’s to stop Biden from issuing preemptive pardons to Nauta and De Olivera and then ordering the release of the two reports as a being in the national interest? It’s not as though Nauta and De Olivera will ever see jail time anyway, and pardoning them now would cut the legs out from under any theory of harm to them that releasing either report might be claimed to have.
I do SO wish Joe would just release these prior to Jan 20th.
Someone at DoJ needs to send a copy to TPM anyway. Don’t let the hacks win.
Biden should order Merrick Garland to release the report. If Merrick Garland refuses, Biden should immediately demand his resignation. If the Supreme Court or other branches of government try to interfere, Biden should order the department of Justice to ignore them.
He can just say that releasing the report is part of his official duties. If the next AG wants to charge him then she should do that.
It’s over if we’re relying on garland and biden. Dems aren’t satisfied following courtesies or implied rules and law anymore. They’re just going to let Rs make stuff up for them to follow now.
She also said that, pending further review, the sun could continue to rise in the east.
I used ResistBot to fax a plea to Biden. Also contacted DOJ (h/t Mueller, She Wrote).
If I’m Nauta and De Olivera (or their lawyers), I would claim that a pardon implies guilt, and we haven’t had a chance to prove our innocence in a court of law, so no thanks.
IANAL and I’m having a hard time understanding why the DOJ hasn’t just dropped the charges against those two. Why is the case continuing and causing these problems in releasing the classified docs report, when the case will be dropped the minute the Trump DOJ takes charge of it?
Done. It pisses me off to no end that we have to ask Garland to do his fricking job. Not sure why he ceded the argument to Cannon - maybe is auditioning to be Cannon’s butler or something.
If Biden was honest in portraying the First Felon as a clear and present danger to our country, then he fucking needs to act like it.
And, really, my life would be better if I never saw photos of that man, or his lap dog, Lucy Cannon, again.
Biden should show a little spine and order the release of the whole thing, with no redactions. If Cannon wants to hold him in contempt, he can remind her that the Supreme Court has given him impunity for all of his official actions, and she can’t sanction them or even question them.
Ah Aileen, channeling Glendowner in Shakespeare’s Henry The Fourth again:
Glendower: I can call spirits from the vasty deep.
Hotspur: Why, so can I, or so can any man; But will they come when you do call for them?
Glendower: Why, I can teach you, cousin, to command The devil
Hotspur: And I can teach thee, coz, to shame the devil—By telling the truth. Tell truth and shame the devil.
Magical thinking and vainglorious twaddle is playing the very devil in this country these days; idiocracy barely captures how willfully and unabashedly unrelflective it has become. Alas USA and rule of law, to have been reduced to this.