Why doesn’t this kind of evidence of insider mischief protecting a rogue president somehow translate into Republicans joining the impeachment process?
And why are so many people still so afraid of that process, when every day, another outrageous event tears at the underpinnings of our freedom. It is the mechanism we were granted by the founders to address this mess, they anticipated we would have the courage to use it.
Anyone who thinks the Trump impeachment will unfold the same way Clinton’s did is a dupe.
All those people who fear that, because Clinton gained popularity as he was being shamefully pummeled in a truly partisan impeachment, Trump will somehow do the same, are ignoring the reality that refuses to hide beneath the lies in this one.
Trump’s popularity drops whenever the truth is exposed about his deep dirt, Clinton’s rose because he was being unfairly treated.
The only real equivalency is the word “impeachment”, any further comparison is stretching credulity to a breaking point.
There are no other similarities between these two impeachment proceedings, the label alone is all that links them.
Assuming some standard was established with Clinton that somehow relates to Trump ignores the very truth itself.
THE PEOPLE want to know the truth, when they learned it about Clinton they wondered why it ever got so crazy it led to impeachment in the first place.
But when they learn the truth about Trump, they all want to hang him, not exonerate him, because his influence is really evil, not just careless and cavalier.
Clinton may have been profane, but he wasn’t malicious.
Trump is just plain evil, so THE PEOPLE want him gone, deep down in their democratic psyche.
Those who don’t are just confessing openly that their patriotism is just an excuse for their brainwashed hate for the mystical “left” FOX taught them to own.
Apparently forever.