After Viral Photo Of Crowded Hallways, Georgia School Shifts To Online Classes | Talking Points Memo

DALLAS, Ga. — A Georgia high school plans to start the week with all classes shifting online after nine students and staff tested positive for the coronavirus when the school year opened last week with most students attending in-person.

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‘‘Now students will take online classes Monday and Tuesday, Paulding County Schools Superintendent Brian Ott said in a letter to parents Sunday. He said those two days will be used to clean and disinfect the school, and parents will learn Tuesday evening if in-person classes can resume later in the week.’’

More like ‘‘institutionalized transmission.’’


They all will soon. By the end of September (or sooner) all schools in the U.S. will be remote. Opening schools for regular classes was never going to work and, unfortunately, a lot of people will end up dying in order to prove this.


“Paulding County schools spokesman Jay Dillon did not immediately return phone and text messages Sunday evening from The Associated Press.”

Yeah, no shit!

I guess they had to close the schools for 2 days so they could think up another lame excuse to keep them open with kids packed like sardines. And it’s hard to return phone calls and text messages when the only response they could possibly have after this deadly debacle is




Perhaps they might consider contact tracing and testing. You know. Something actually useful.


Every single death that results from schools opening in person should be laid at the feet of Trump, DeVos, and every official all the way down that enabled this fiasco.


And because the district insisted on sending kids to school for face to face classes, teachers are most likely not well prepared for remote learning. My former colleagues have spent the last several weeks learning how to deliver instruction virtually and I have heard about the head-spinning challenges of learning how to do this effectively. If the Georgia teachers had to switch gears over the weekend, they will be scrambling to produce quality instruction. All of the teachers I know will do their best- but it’s not going to be instantaneous. I retired from being a regular classroom teacher- but the superintendent in my district does not expect schools to go to in person instruction until after Labor Day- and will use guidance from the state and health department. I’ll be supervising as many as 60 students who enrolled in a fully online program for at least the fall semester. I just review their work from the comfort of my own home. (Demand for this online program has nearly tripled from 200 to over 500 students…


A good bet that more than nine people are infected.
Still waiting to hear what the context is, Mr. Superintendent.


Future historians will refer to this as COVID’s March to the Sea.


there is missing info to be able to intelligently digest.
What test was used? were they all tested, or just people that felt sick? and what is the test false positive rate (did they have followup tests to confirm)?

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Work in a district where the school board has voted to make a similar mistake. Let’s try 4 days w kids. In class. Their is no leadership left in this country. The fact that our board rolled on the Public Health official in our little district, is a testament to people in groups acting like idiots. This mistake is being made all over the USA.


He said those two days will be used to clean and disinfect the school, and parents will learn Tuesday evening if in-person classes can resume later in the week.

“Students are encouraged to post photos of the sanitizing process to their social media, as there will be no suspensions for doing so.”


“Hopefully we can all agree that the health and safety of our students and staff takes precedence over any other considerations at this time,” Ott said in his letter, which was obtained by Atlanta-area news outlets.

If he believed that, he wouldn’t have opened the school for in-person classes in the first place.


Remember, any time a second person enters a room the situation is doomed to go downhill from there. Three or more people guarantees a clusterf**k of monumental proportions.


But, but, they’re cleaning surfaces! Magic cure!


Is this the same school that suspended the student who posted that photo?

It’s not the walls and desktops. It’s the air. Looking forward to the Tuesday evening pronouncement as to the status of “in-person” classes.

Also, this is just the first of countless more.

I’ve been talking with former teaching colleagues, in the district where I used to teach they have been told nothing. They have no idea what the process will be for a school district scheduled to start in 3 weeks.

This is what happens when your leadership (talking to you Trump and DeVos) is a vacuum. The learning deficits that these poor students will have will be difficult to overcome. It’s tragic.


I have a number of academics in the family and they have spent their entire summer zooming and planning for the fall. They’re trying to balance science and the wishes of the incoming students and their parents. Despite this planning by a group of pretty bright folks, they are still not sure what track they’ll be taking with the school year just weeks away.
Regarding schools opening for in person learning all I can say is that play with fire, plan on getting burned. It’s a tragic decision.


Please track this for whether those students then infected their parents and siblings, TPM. They are trying to turn the schools into spreader factories to kill off as many as possible where the populations are densest.


Some people really do need to burn their hand on the stove. It’s a real thing. It’s good to be able to discover new things. This is a part of science. Welcome to reality, welcome to science, come on in and let’s do some more experiments.