After a deadly and nearly unprecedented siege of the Capitol, Congress early Thursday morning officially certified Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory.
Goddamn right. As HST once said, don’t take any shit from these swine. They can’t stop the people’a business. Let’s hope all the faces of the collaborators are shared far and wide, and that they’re punished severely, whether they were throwing bombs from the outside of our capital or within it like Benedict Cruz and Benedict Hawley.
(Hunter S Thompson not Truman! Whoops)
This feels good until I start anticipating all the further seditious terror being cooked up as we type and scroll. May it successfully polarize enough away from the Confederate Trumpvirus Party that they stand no chance ever again - unlikely though that is.
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Just read an interesting tidbit: As they were being hustled to safety, Mitt yelled to the other GOP members, “This is what you’ve gotten!” Be it ever so grudging, I have to say he’s probably the best of the currently serving very bad lot.
Scott Perry (R PA) failed to defend PA but seems to back Putin’s Puppet. Perry, Getz and many others should have been leading the rabble if they truly believed or did they hide out.
Other Trump backers should have talked to the rabble that they should play nice and Trump is a asshole.
Trump actually did them a favor. It’ll be much easier for them to separate themselves from him now. They can say they supported certain cleaned-up versions of his policies while questioning the methods and so forth.
The sole instigator of this attempt to violently overthrow an elected government cannot be allowed to continue to serve as CIC of the armed forces and keeper of the nuclear codes. Not. Another. Minute. The Cabinet needs to remove him. Today. This is not a drill.