Actually, everyone here is quite proud that the Furries kicked Li’l Milo in the balls.
But if you see any weasels wearing a strand of pearls I suggest you make them take off their headpiece, because it’s probably that asshole Milo trying to sneak in anyway
Why does it have to be bashing per se to find humor in it? If I can’t laugh anymore at what is patently funny, then I hope I drop dead soonest. I am so tired of everyone taking themselves so very seriously.
Hey, I’ll say this: I have a lot more admiration for a Furry convention that bans Milo Yellownipples than for something like Coachella, which is co-owned by a right-wing billionaire who continuously donates to anti-gay and other conservative causes.
I don’t care what anyone does for a hobby as long as it isn’t harmful to someone else. But people should be able to take joking about their hobby if it’s this interesting.
I watched the roast of Alec Baldwin last night and much as I have problems with Kaitlynn Jenner, she sat through 2 hours of jokes about her dick, her daughters’ sexual proclivities, her age and especially her hypocrisy in being a Trump supporter and took it all in good humor. I will hand her many Bravas for that.
You know, when the Shriners drive down the street in their little cars, I find it a bit amusing. I don’t hate the Shriners, I don’t fear them, I don’t hate them because I fear them or fear them because I hate them, I wasn’t raised to hate them, I’m not being manipulated by the powerful to marginalize them, I have no religious or cultural prejudice against grown men driving down the street in little cars, honestly none of that is going on. It’s just kind of funny. Some things are just a bit funny, is all. If those things are done by a particular group and you’re not tarring and feathering them or putting them on a ducking stool, you’re just kind of chuckling at the stuff people get up to, that’s pretty far over on the benign end of noticing that people have differences. I’m willing to bet they understand themselves how it looks to outsiders. I don’t intend to be more offended on their behalf than they are themselves. It’s sort of a guideline I have.
one assumes she got a sizable appearance fee. And after years and years and years on KUWTK, its pretty clear that whatever dignity she may once have had was traded in long ago for cash.
Ann Coulter kicks herself for missing the new gravy train for alt-right “free speech” victims, and tries to register at the nearest furry convention. To her surprise, in front of her in line are Dinesh D’Souza dressed as a ferret, Laura Ingraham in a gerbil outfit and Rush Limbaugh as a cosplay Jabba the Hutt.