After Decade-Plus Of Pride Celebrations, Corporations Are Caving To Right-Wing Anti-LGBTQ Threats

Perhaps Target could install a one of those QR codes where the displays used to be, so the items could still be ordered (with free shipping, of course). And hire a security guard so it couldn’t be defaced.


WHY did the Dodgers even bother taking a phone call from FLORIDA Senator Marco Rubio?

And Bill Donohue is nothing but a guy with some stationery and a phone.


So MTG is gonna have to find a new supplier for her butt plugs, sad.

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There’s always Maui onions.


Boycotting something that is given away for free and not inventoried makes no sense. Sure it makes you feel all morally superior but it doesn’t accomplish the goal of sending a message. You can watch the game … and then mute the commercials and avert your eyes to avoid the commercials and self-promotions of Fox. Not only have you not participated in enriching Fox, but you’ve gotten the game for free as well.

*unless you are part of some Nielsen panel and they track what you watch. But good luck getting the point through that you aren’t watching THAT network when you still watch football on other channels.

Actively boycott and write them as to exactly why.


Pride is out of stock at Target.


So at the end of the rainbow :rainbow:, there’s actually a MAGA leprechaun with a bucket full of scold. Got it. At least Ron desantis has a day job to fall back on after the election.


As the four subscribers to my newsletter will confirm, I have been saying this for years and years and years. And years: businesses ALWAYS fall first to tyranny.

But only in our unserious and luxury-addicted society would people think that corporations of any kind are going to be proxy freedom fighters. Puh-leeze.


Call me confused or maybe naive.

I don’t understand acquiescing power to the few loud voices. Companies should be able to provide goods for all and tell the whiners to buy only the products they like. Just pass by the products they find objectionable by and leave the goods for other valued customers. Is that too simple? :woman_shrugging:


Have become

Some MAGAnus with an AR and lots of military grade ammo can act out in a Target store for other FOX-inspired reasons, or just because they feel like it. Walmart shooting sprees didn’t have much to do with the politics of Walmart. Big box stores are soft targets for domestic terrorists.


“Target announced it will remove some of its LGBTQ+ merchandise from its Pride Month collection after threats and backlash from customers…”

“Backlash” from customers is one thing. Nazis have as much right to boycott Target for carrying LGBTQ+ merch as progressive do when Target drops it. Howevuh…

“Threats” from customers is criminal.

Target – and law enforcement – should respond to “threats against staff safety” not by removing merch, but by removing perps…from both stores and society.

Nazis who think violence is acceptable political expression in America (or anywhere else, for that matter) need to be shown the inside of jail cell, stat.


And I just saw some video posted of some asswipe doing just that with merch in a Target, but with a such languid manner because he knows no one is going to stop him and he won’t get in trouble.


OTOH, I had no problem giving up Goya beans… :roll_eyes:


Target chose to be there until they (and their employees, who had no say in the corporate decision) were threatened by the bunch of drooling idiots that calls themselves the Khristian Konservative Klan.
I can understand why, given the propensity of this bunch to get violent at the slightest resistance to their edicts, the Corporate bosses would decide to take their employees out of that particular firing line.


Axiomatic: corporations will always betray ethics in order to serve the bottom line. Every time.


Who thinks he speaks for Gawd.


What are they supposed to do? Post armed guards in the store at every section that these morons object to? I just love the prospect of shootouts at Target when I am trying to buy garbage bags. This will blow over as soon as Faux comes up with another group to persecute. These morons have the attention span of a gnat.
They never noticed that Target even had those “sinful,perverted items” until De
Santis incited them and Faux gave them permission to go be assholes act their nearest Target


Donohue doesn’t think.
He believes.

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