After 12th Place Bid For Senate, Neo-Nazi Launches Run For City Council In Idaho | Talking Points Memo

Garden City is 10 minutes drive from Boise where I live. This guy can win 'cos this is Idaho.

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I was just in Boise (and Garden City, which is a suburb) this past weekend. Despite Idaho’s rep, Boise is a blue city, and I don’t think this guy will get that much traction.



Steve King’s new love.

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I live in Boise. Don’t underestimate the vileness of Republicans (who are an overwhlming majority) here or anywhere.


One of the consequences of diversity is better food.


I get what you are saying. I am a Californian but I’ve lived in Idaho and spend lots of time there. And it’s my second jurisdiction.

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To paraphrase the great Roseanne Roseannadanna, “Mr. Little, you sound like a REAL attractive guy! … You BELONG in Idaho!”



You mean your second regional capital, right?


I’m sure you remember congressperson Helen Chenoweth. She was elected during the 94 cycle on the premise that government was too large so militias were needed and there was no need to protect salmon because you could buy it in a can.
She met her ignominious end in a suv crash because she, no shock didn’t have her seatbelt on.


Whenever I see Sandpoint mentioned I think of the Aryan nations compound in the 80’s and 90’s and detective Mark Furman moving there pre or post OJ trial.


Boise, Meridian and Garden City are being invaded by people from other states and most of them are Reich wingers. Ex-cops, people who collect generous pensions working in California or Washington, but hate socialism.


A focus group of Trump supporters were given random quotes by Mr. Little without identifying the speaker and asked to comment -
“It’s like he is reading my mind!” said one.
“He is genuine, not phony - says what is on his mind, unlike other politicians”
" He is just saying what everyone is thinking."
“If he said it, it must be true.”

When it was revealed that it was not Trump who had made the comments, the supporters wandered out of the room mumbling about fake news and elitist assholes - except for one who wanted to know what office Mr. Little was running for.

Western Idaho is becoming the place to be…


Garden City literally is adjacent to Boise. There is a great deal of influx there of people who have been priced out of Boise’s old neighborhoods. But they have grown up here. They are opening the new businesses along the river. They are active in their town. I optimistically disagree with your take.

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I hope you are right.

All I can say about this instance is that I sense something different in the opposition I am seeing on line here. I get the impression those folks who have grown up here are going to make an effort to stop this guy from getting elected.


When will Trump campaign for him?


It’s also the center of the ‘rent a womb’ baby business.

This clown is looking for a place to start grifting.

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“A website for the campaign identifies Little as a Nationally Social Democratic American Patriot Republican”. That spells NSDAP Republican. Let’s give him props for knowing Nazi history.


He seems nice. WhoTF are the 90,000 in California who thought electing this guy was a GOOD idea?

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