Admin: Iran May Retaliate ‘Within Weeks’ | Talking Points Memo

The Trump administration has reportedly told members of Congress that it anticipates for Iran to retaliate against the U.S. “within weeks” in response to the strike that the President authorized and killed top Iranian military official Qasem Soleimani.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I hear it’s pretty easy to get into Merry Ego.


The motherfucker thinks a shooting war will get him reelected.



As if people did not need any more reasons to hate this man.

He makes us continue to pay for his mental illness.

All because Moscow McConnell wants more judges.


From TPM article today:
President Trump attempted to justify his decision to authorize the strike that killed top Iranian military official Qasem Soleimani by arguing that the move was intended “to stop a war,” during a press conference at Mar-a-Lago Friday.

And, now you’re telling us there’s going to be a retaliation when we all thought that killing this guy was the end of it.
I see the future for the next few weeks, tRump adding more info as he is able to process what is going on. And, then what? they retaliate, and we… We are screwed and there’s a head of our country that doesn’t understand what we’ve done and the consequences and he could care less, it won’t hurt him.


So Trump is now relying on our Intelligence community professionals to perform heroically in identifying and snuffing our any potential threats from Iran, and I’m sure they will do their utmost to protect this nation.

These are the very same people and agencies he has berated, insulted, called treasonous, and mistreated, not to mention publicly fired and humiliated while subjecting them to threats of violence -all because they did their jobs by following the collusion.


He is mentally ill

  • Moscow McConnell knows it
  • The GOP Senate knows it
  • The GOP House knows it
  • Barr and DOJ knows it

And all are so focused on getting to their goals, the deaths of American innocents (or any other) mean nothing.

Now is the time for a national dialogue, with no commercials.

Making more money does not equal the deaths of innocents


From the article, it’s not clear to me when these discussions began - before or after the assasination. Anyone else have a clearer understanding of that?


If only there were an ego-seeking missile.


I expect Iran to launch Silkworm missiles at our ships, both naval and commercial, any day now. Goody. Thanks President Trump!


I went on on another thread about his dementia. As you said everyone knows and yet he is allowed to stay in office where he will get more and more unhinged.


Ladies & Gentlemen, presenting your IMPOTUS…


How’d you like to be a tanker crew going through the Strait of Hormuz in the next few days? A sitting duck because of a dumb fuck…


Trump is having wet dreams seeing himself as the “courageous commander-in-chief” directing our young men and women to their deaths in his very own war. Yes, Trump is every bit a motherfucker, right down to his core.


It would be called “The Lindsey”…


Me either, just reread it.
At the end, it says,

On Saturday afternoon, CNN also reported that the White House is set to formally notify Congress on Saturday of the Trump-authorized strike that killed Soleimani.

Gee, glad they’re gettin notification of something that already took place.


That stretch of water may be the flashpoint for the next war.

I’m now thinking of the President Stillson character, played by Martin Sheen in The Dead Zone. I’m imagining Trump, after ranting on Twitter all day about some perceived slight from someone, launches nukes.

We are entering a very dangerous period in world history.


The Iranians are pretty good at taking out Saudi oil fields. they could hit the US in the pocketbook by taking out a lot more of the oil fields.


But if you, or any rando walking the street, American or otherwise, had anteed up $200 large for a Mar-a-Lago membership, you would have known something was brewing before Congress had an inkling. Imagine that.


Well if they are reading the noise right, then perhaps Iran will come farther out of the shadows and directly hit back.

But possibly more likely they will agitate Iraqi militias to hit at our troops.

Or maybe both. What a mess this idiot Trump has made. And he has no idea there’s a difference between taking out an extra-governmental terrorist and taking out the equivalent of our chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. He thinks he grabbed the brass ring and took out a bin Laden. Complete idiot.