Additional Charges Filed Against Somali Pirates In U.S. Custody | Talking Points Memo

The U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Preet Bharara, announced today the filing of a superseding indictment against two Somali pirates held in U.S. custody since last spring. The indictment charges the pirates, who were captured by the U.S. Navy in April of 2009, with involvement in two additional hijackings of American ships. Read the full text of the announcement after the jump.NEW YORK – Preet Bharara, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced today the filing of a superseding indictment against Abduwali Abdukhadir Musé. Musé was previously indicted on May 19, 2009, for his alleged participation in the April 8, 2009, hijacking of the Maersk Alabama container ship in the Indian Ocean, and the subsequent taking of the captain of the ship as a hostage.

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