True enough. But he’s still human, and thus deserves some sympathy for what has to be a terrifying experience.
That said, he has done the Devil’s work for decades, If there is a just God, Rush will soon be in a very hot place for eternity for the damage his lies have done to this country and the world.
You left off my last sentence – “We’re better than that” – which was my real point. We have to resist sinking to their level. They may win a few as a result. That said, your exception is understandable.
Adam Schiff is basically channelling Atticus Finch here. He knows he’ll lose the case, but he’ll embarrass the hell out of the jury for the decision they’ll inevitably make.
A third Trump term is no longer beyond the realm of possibility. After all, according to the Senate the Constitution no longer matters, he can do whatever he wants if he thinks it’ll help his re-election, and we should just leave it to the voters to decide.
I used to think this was crazy talk, but watching the Congress abrogate all of their rights and responsibilities before his criminal behavior has been…educational.
I watched and heard Schiff’s message to the Senate. He is a true American Statesman, like we have not heard for many years. That is something SO different from being an inspiring politician, making a great speech. This was stellar.
Just now read that Rush has him a problem he cannot talk his way out of. I know a bit about cancer. Been there twice. Most recently this July on the same day as trump’s famous phone call. I got scars. Maybe now Rush will learn some humility tho I kinda doubt it.
I am sorry folks but right now sympathy is is short supply at Chez Darr. I am going to set up a half ounce of fine bourbon and drink a toast to humility.
I should add that my whole career in science was devoted to finding a way at early diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer. Cancer killed my mother. I hate that fucking disease with the heat of 10,000 suns. I did good though because there is a way to detect it through optical coherence tomography and a leetle bitty detector that is put on the ovary. We will get there. Others are carrying the work on.
I get the sentiment, but let’s be real here: they are neither embarrassed nor ashamed. Power is all that matters to them. That’s it. Period. There is no such thing as “regretfully” throwing the entire organizational structure and democratic essence of a country into a meat grinder just to maintain the ethnic/cultural/religious supremacy and dominance to which you believe you are entitled despite being a minority of the population.
I do hope Limbaugh makes a full recovery so that he can live to see the country complete the demographic shift that will empower the young and diverse over the traditional cadre of old white men that he is a part of.
McConnell will have to declare a President can’t be voted out of office in the final year of his second term. Just like one can’t be impeached in his final year of his first term. Maybe get the OLC to issue an advisory memo that supersedes the 22nd Amendment.